Let not manmade boundaries and borders cause them to forget their pledge to honor the Earth and all her creatures in supported oneness. Continue reading→
Powersigil for Dissolving Damage Done to Self-esteem by Past Rejection from Others
The Earth has been rejected, and at times attacked by other planets and solar systems. The memory of this has been kept in the soil. Continue reading→
Gabriel & Eluhimvael
The previous Gabriel Angel now works on a different assignment and is now called Eluhimvael. Continue reading→
To Jaylene from the Seer
Have a wonderful 26th birthday today my daughter. You are everything I could ever have wanted in a daughter. Continue reading→
Powersigil for Vienna
Values are changing and sentimental attachments are dissolving. New cultures are emerging and great fluidity is needed. Continue reading→
Powersigil to Solve the Stream of Undesirable Immigration Into the USA
Let the godbeings closely examine their own lives and realize that the desire to save and equalize the fate of others, stems from arrogance. Continue reading→
Emotional Karma Gets Resolved in the Soul World
Emotional karma gets resolved in the soul world and the more they can dissolve there, the more gracefully their future unfolds. Continue reading→
New Incarnation Powersigil
Because of the fast-paced life city-dwellers are living, and the ecological and climatic changes indigenous people are dealing with, the struggle for survival has become the driving force of most lives. Continue reading→
The Purpose Is to Prevent Self-Sovereignty and Create AI Dependency
Humanity’s guilt over damaging the planet, is part of a collective dream that humanity is just waking up from. Continue reading→
Powersigil for Panama
May any course of action that may be taken involving this geographical area of the Americas, lead to the deactivation and negation of this threat. Continue reading→