I was in the retreat during which the Seer promised to create an oil that would bring the feelings of a warm embrace of a mother… She has kept her promise — it’s wonderful! Continue reading→
How to Enter the Bliss of Beingness
The Seer Almine describes how to release the tension of linear time from the body, and access the bliss of your being that, for the most part, is obscured by resistance to life in your day. Continue reading→
Sexuality is Changing on Earth
In this interview, Almine explains how sexuality is metamorphosing into “something far more grand, beautiful, intense”… “a rapturous experience of blending fields” in which physical touch is merely “frosting on the cake”. Join the discussion on Ascension
Enlightenment: The Wrong Way, The Right Way (Almine Video)
Almine discusses the stages of enlightenment and why it’s dangerous to stay in either the emptiness or the bliss. She explains why withdrawing from life is not the answer and how eventually we must learn that ‘the play has a purpose’. This video is part of the fireside lectures featured in I AM Presence March… Continue reading→
Discovering The Source Of Inspiration – An Interview With Almine Pt. 4
Here is the final part of Cris’s interview with Almine. Enjoy! In what way does this silence differ from the bliss of the yogi? Almine: “If it were just bliss, the experience would be no different than the experience of the yogi on his mountaintop. It is not only that, but rippling waves of rapture… Continue reading→
Mastery and Bliss
The greatest pollutant of the one who lives in the excellence of great mastery is emotion and light. There exists beyond these, fluid illumination, a surrendered state of being that could be called the deep bliss of automatic action.