The greatest pollutant of the one who lives in the excellence of great mastery is emotion and light. There exists beyond these, fluid illumination, a surrendered state of being that could be called the deep bliss of automatic action.
The Miraculous Illumination of Monica
Monica, a student of the Seer Almine, can be seen emitting white light so intense, that only her eyes can be seen.
Reflections on Suffering
An oldy from the vaults of Almine’s earlier diary. Enjoy! Life cannot imprison us where we do not wish to be, nor bind us when we wish to be free. It is but in the self’-imagined prisons of our lives that suffering is created. It is the self-made walls of our confinement, against which we rail. Erected for… Continue reading→
Mirrors of Questions
Trapped between the mirrors of questions and answers, life seeks to understand itself. But the waterlily cannot see its luminous beauty by looking at its inverted image in the pond.
Light elixir by Almine When illusions disappear like the mist before the sun of illumination, a patient unfolding remains in luminous repose.
Transcending Polarity
Photo by Almine Living on the treadmill of polar opposites reveals that opposites travel in pairs. Within one the other can be found; within life decay abounds. In recognizing the value of both, we can transcend them.
Saradesi – The Fountain of Youth
Our personal invitation to join us for a life-altering experience, The Saradesi, Fountain of Youth online course with Almine…register now! Registration through July 15
Yoga and Immortality
The great significance of receiving the three bodies of yoga*, known collectively as Devi Satva Yoga, the Yoga of Illumination, is given in the ancient Scroll of Namud: “For when once more the eyes that can see Know the Yoga of Saradesi The third it shall be of three An end shall come to duality”… Continue reading→