They are here to steer life in the right direction and help shape the mental field of existence into that of mastery and joyous adventure. Continue reading→
Dismantling the Mirror of the Tube Torus
The following is an excerpt from Book of Runes: Step 1 Understanding the Three Principles of the One and the Many • The function of an opposite is to examine itself in the mirror of its opposite pole; to know itself by what it is not. • The one is the reference point of his… Continue reading→
Removing Alternate Realities – Freedom of Mankind Ceremony 3/4
Transmission from the Arcturian Fairies: Every part of the spine an alternate reality holds Cleanse now the spine, dissolve the illusion it holds A ceremony from the Infinite held by us for humanity To do while you sleep, with musical keys Explanation: After the first 2 successful ceremonies in the series of 4 for the… Continue reading→
Manifesting From Godhood – Insights From The Lemurian Angels 3/3
Creating reality Creating reality from within the human matrix, is the equivalent of a flat, two-dimensional movie screen that gives the impression of three-dimensionality. Creatively manifesting from the god-kingdom is like virtual reality, in that it provides more depth of living and intensity of experience. This creates intense emotions – a reason why the negative… Continue reading→
Observe Others, Don’t Try to Change Others – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “a foundational shift”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of December 08 – December 14, 2013 Experiment with new perspectives. See again the magic of your environment as you did when you were a child. The ability to observe, without trying to change… Continue reading→