Killarney Provincial Park Ontario, Canada 18-22 June 2012 (early bird price $900.- for registration before May 18th, after $1000.-) “I can go so much deeper with my light family, if they let go of the questions and in Silence surrender themselves” ~ Almine A Retreat in Silence with Almine We are really happy to announce a… Continue reading→
Love – The Stormiest Seas Carve the Deepest Caverns
After posting about praise and gratitude, we now share with you the last of the main ascension attitudes; that of love. Enjoy! Love Emerson wrote: “Alas! I know not why… each man sees over his own experience a certain stain of error, whilst that of other men looks fair and ideal.” The reason we look… Continue reading→
Grateful For Our Last Easter
Radio Show In this radio show Almine takes us on a deep journey into personal awakening. What is the effect of practicing gratitude? What is the role of martyrdom and how do masters deal with physical pain? Join to hear why this upcoming Easter is called the last Easter. The story of a miraculous healing,… Continue reading→
Pathway to Ascension Pt. 5 – Right Brain Ascension Methods
In this last installment of our Pathway to Ascension Youtube Series, Almine discusses in detail, the right brain ascension methods. To take the full Pathway to Ascension Online Course for free, including eight 30 minute video lectures and over 200 pages of written materials, visit this page here. See the previous video post in this... Continue reading→
Procreation – An Illusion Driven By the Inner Nurturer
In this, our third installment of “The Destiny of Man” interview series with Almine, we dive into the tools and illusions of the inner-nurturer and inner-sage. To see the tools and illusions of the inner-warrior and the inner-child see the second post in this series, here. Q: And the Nurturer? What mind does it use… Continue reading→