In this recent interview series with Almine we have learned of the sub-personalities and their tools. Also, we have come to see the inner-child in a whole new way. Enjoy this exciting conclusion… Q: The flawed perceptions from the inner-child, do they also show up in children as negative tendencies? A: Yes, the “power over”… Continue reading→
Procreation – An Illusion Driven By the Inner Nurturer
In this, our third installment of “The Destiny of Man” interview series with Almine, we dive into the tools and illusions of the inner-nurturer and inner-sage. To see the tools and illusions of the inner-warrior and the inner-child see the second post in this series, here. Q: And the Nurturer? What mind does it use… Continue reading→
The Immature Parts That Fell Behind – The Inner-Child and Its Tool
Here is the second part of the interview with Almine, titled “The Destiny of Man”. You can read part one here. Q: You travel at such a stupendous rate of growth that you have said that you make yourself wrong quicker than others; “today’s truth is not tomorrow’s truth”, you have said… What has changed… Continue reading→