Almine’s private, more in-depth blog
I Am Presence is the ideal place on the web where you are shown the pure magic of every day life. Almine allows you into her daily life and shares the mystical that hides behind the appearances. Year after year the majority of the insights and miracles of Almine’s daily mystical life have ‘fallen through the cracks’; gone unwitnessed and unexpressed to anyone but her most immediate environment. These little spiritual nuggets could never be shared with the public due to time constraints, in favor of Almine being able to convey at least the biggest cosmic changes on a daily basis with her world wide family of light. Now, this is all about to change with the launch of the I Am Presence website. Here we try to capture as much of the magic of Almine’s daily life as possible.
Almine’s online courses have for 4 years been her main way of sharing her life changing insights on spirituality, mastery, self-work, and cosmic insights to the world. However, these courses often took a very ‘formal’ and linear approach with set curricula to be produced by her every day. As Almine describes it, this was a necessary step to take, a phase to go through. It made sure that the many aspects of mastery in our modern day and age gained roots in people’s daily life. Now, it is time to be far more creative and spontaneous in sharing information. This new level of accessing information is being called ‘the living library’; learning by seeing the many aspects of the magical life through the eyes of this renowned mystic.
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How does I Am Presence differ with Almine Diary? is Almine’s public blog where she shares some of her insights and announcements. It has been running for a good 3 years now and has become a great archive of knowledge and materials. Also, a great little community has sprung up on this site in the comment section of people walking this journey together on a global level. However, it is limited in comparison to scope and depth when it comes to Almine’s insights and the magic of her daily life. You could say that Almine Diary is a great place to start, but the real magic happens on I Am Presence.