This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
May innocence be restored to this land and inner guidance lead the people.
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Cutting-edge Mysticism
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
May innocence be restored to this land and inner guidance lead the people.
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This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beautiful Lightfamily member.
Rest In Peace volcanos of these islands, for gentle people dwell here.
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This power sigil is a free gift from a Beloved Lightfamily member Natalia.
The poetic perspective elevates consciousness above despair. Continue reading→
Photo by Paola D. (Tuscany, Italy)
The boundless resources of the One Life are ours and because our body is an illusion, our depletion of it is imagined. Continue reading→