During the most recent installment of Mystery Miracles and Mysticism Joanne and Vanessa talked about the receiving of the 16 goddess archetype wheels. Yes, wheels! The 16 goddess archetypes have been of huge interest to Almine’s teachings and people all over the globe, especially in the last 2 years. As a result Almine brought in the names, meaning and sigils of these archetypes. Some of them were even shared on this diary (see below). Now, Almine shares their wheels to increase your work with these archetypes. Below you will find the download link of the wheels, links to some of the archetypes, more information on the use of Almine’s wheels and a better understanding into the role of the goddess (and god) archetypes for the spiritual seeker. Enjoy!
Download the 16 Goddess Archetype Wheels here.
So how do you work with these Goddess Archetypes?
You can use the names and sigils of these archetypes to help manifest their qualities in your own life. They are a way to step into a surrendered life. Where the normal manifestations of the feminine and the masculine in our lives is all about seeking control for the little self and never about surrender, these goddess and god archetypes are a way of living to promote trust in the benevolence of Infinite Life unfolding.
See more names, concepts and sigils of some of the shared goddess archetypes to go with these wheels in our diary posts here, here, here and here.
This information on the archetypes is but a snippet from more detailed discussions and dissemination in Almine’s breathtaking online courses Walking with the Seer and Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way.
Question: How do I work with Almine’s Wheels? (From FAQ)
Answer: A wheel is a visual image that conveys non-cognitive, sacred and empowering information. They are similar to gateways through which specific healing frequencies are drawn and are power sources in the same way a holy object would be.
The wheels are alive and as we work with them they provide us with deep insights into the vastness and wealth of our own being, reminding us of all that we are.
Each wheel is a stand-alone wheel and can be used by itself. When wheels are used in a sequence, they tell a story and combine to make an equation.
Mystical practices have a beginning and a closure. If you are working with a sequence of wheels, do not stop in the middle as it leaks resources and energy. For this reason it is important that you always complete each sequence.
To access the information contained within the wheels at a deeper level you may place your hands on the wheels or run your hand across them — the left hand is receptive and the right hand promotes understanding.
Lying down, you may also place a wheel at your feet and upon contemplating its meaning, bring it up through your body from your feet to the Lahun Chakra 10 inches above your head. If a wheel feels ‘stuck’ anywhere, continue to feel the quality of the wheel until it moves freely. If you are working with a sequence of wheels, ensure that the highest numbered wheel is at the bottom and the lowest numbered wheel is at the top. Work with one wheel at a time and fully integrate one before moving on to the next. As you do, also contemplate how the qualities of each wheel combine and complement the other wheels within the sequence.
Possible Uses for Wheels include:
• Meditate on a wheel.
• Place on the walls of a healing space, office or a room in which you spend a lot of time.
• With intention they can be placed into the body or placed directly on the body.
• Specific wheels can be placed under a healing table when working on someone or under a chair that you frequently sit on.
• Create your own personal mandala that you carry with you.
Jillian M Molin says
I’m wondering where the CIRCLE/WHEEL structure of the female Goddess archetypes came from? Is Carl Jung the originator of that organizing structure, or is it rooted in more ancient ideas?
Thank you!
Patricia says
Hi Niels, thanks so much for this, they are so beautiful in their simplicity! question: how do we know the names and purpose of each of the Goddess wheels?
Niels says
A few have been shared -names, sigils and concepts- on this diary. You can find the links in the post above. The rest is part of Walking with the Seer and Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way online courses.
Team Almine
Dhani says
That’s awesome Niels. Thank you so much.
I might even colour these beautiful flowers. 🙂