The Seer Almine describes how 2012 relates to the “in-breath and out-breath of God”, and how on December 25th, 2011 we begin to enter the center of our cosmos. This center represents the confrontation with our accumulated karma, that is: all of our insights that are unresolved and unprocessed. Moving beyond duality is the way to transcend this karma.
Merry Merry Merry Christmas (Ho, Ho, Ho!) and a lovely Happy New Year, Peace, Health, Wealth, Happyness, Joy of any kind, to you but also to all your family, devotees and relatives, friends. I’m the friend of Isa and Gilles and waiting to meet you since few years already, but life had refer me to helping to spread to the humanity the Dharma at helping the mission of Sri Tathâta.
But inside of me I know my soul need to meet all masters in the world and you part of my deep heart, great spiritual family, you are in my heart also as a great Guru of modern time, one day we will meat each other for sure, and maybe I could be helfull to you also, I don’t know yet how but surely will.
I wish I could be more thankfull to my friend Isa and her husband Gilles who had been more than only friends, they are part of my family for me, they were my savers many time in this life.
Please pray with me if you have time for both of them beacause I’m so thankfull for what they did to me and my family,
I’M not sure I could be alive without them.
Love to you, hope soon real Divine friendship ,
Sorry my english is not as good as Isa and Gilles
Irène Guérin
Nice to meet you here Irène and thank you for your comment. No doubt you will be able to meet Almine in person some day, perhaps at a retreat?
Blessings to you and your friends and enjoy your stay here on the diary.
Team Almine
PS: And a happy 2012 to you too 😉
Thank you Almine for the insightful message, particularly the instruction to look at why we as individuals have orchestrated the circumstances we are currently facing. The reminder that I am not a victim, and in fact have orchestrated this experience for myself for a subconscious reason, is very empowering as my answer as to what I need to let go of came pretty much immediately. Does this mean if we each look at and resolve/release our issues on an individual level, it will diminish the necessity for a painful resolve on a larger, massive scale for humanity as a whole?