2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine
From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence.
For more about Almine’s prophecies join us on on Awakening from the Dream radio show, this Saturday 11 am PST LIVE – rebroadcast at 6 pm PST – click here for live show and here for archives (also known as a podcast). Following our live show, we will post the 2012 Prophecies in entirety.
Note: During the 24th of September 2011, Almine slipped out of this reality of opposite polarities, into the new reality of no opposites. She lived from this reality until she became dense enough to teach the Toronto retreat at the end of September for 3 days. Some of her students have experienced this transition as well.
Yes pausing and giving gratitude each day for our blessings.Living a reality of no opposites is the most incredible experience of all. Just coasting along ,effortless knowing while still able to interact perfectly with family members.Wanting to hug others for being, so easy now to live with.What a wonderful tool