In this, the first of a series of videos, Almine calls the first of the 300 Lemurian angels by singing their names. Great to meditate to, or to have in the background while studying the poetic tone of the day, or reading one of Almine’s books.
During the upcoming days we will keep on going with publishing the rest of the series on Almine’s youtube page, so that all 300 Lemurian angels will be accessible to all of you.
Regina Could it be that the lumerian Angels who are also part of us,
The separation between masculine and feminine is also painfull for us to go through.
I have to cry to when i hear this singing and feel the pain of my own separation from all of you .
I mean from the total oneness but it is also beautiful to hear that we are taking responsibility to call those parts back from the past.
Todays sigil . Returning to the eternal realiteit of our true self.
I can feel your pain to but also going trough that pain so it can not stick on me my body is your lets do this together dear Regina like currents in the Infinite ocean.
And one more comment, I felt as was explaining what happened to me to my husband that the pain/sorrow I experienced was in fact the pain of the angels, if it is indeed possible. And as I write this, I once again feel this is the reason.
Thanks Marc for your reply and Corrien for your blessing.
I have actually been hesitant to listen to it again because it was so intense the first time. That deep pain stayed with me for 45-60 minutes after I listened to the extent I was crying longer and harder than I have in many many years about anything. I, too, would like to know as Corrien would, how far the process is and anything further. Will I experience this deep sorrow as each of the 300 are called by Almine in further videos ? Is anyone else experiencing this?
many thanks to all
Can Almine tell us are the lumerian archangels from the soul cosmos back now and rejoined with the Infinite ?
How far is this process at this moment ?
Blessings to Regina and all of you,
Regina, this is one of the very core separation issues, the splitting between masculine and feminine … The “Lemurian” angels are the Archangels of black light and black frequency, the Archangels of the feminine soul cosmos. The right side of the body represented the masculine. In one of the Earth Chants, Almine explains how we were separated from these Angels because they confused the watchers of the matrices with the Infinite.
I’ve told Almine during my personal retreat that I feel like I know these angels because I felt very strange the last day of the Earth Chants like I could feel them. And when I listened to this I started to get chills on only the right side of my body and it has made me feel so very sad and I have been crying since then and I don’t know why… Some kind of incredible deep deep pain I don’t understand… separation ? splitting apart ? but I don’t feel it is from the Infinite. Like some terrible ancient tragedy split something out of me. Niels, do you know what this is?
Feels just sooooo wonderful! These angels are really different from the Atlantean ones for sure.
Absolutely incredible music.
It stirs a deep sense of Reverence as these amazing Beings are called forth!
It leaves me Breathless! This is a tremendous gift from Almine.
What an amazing voice heard it also on the Earth ceremony it gives me chicken fevers al over my skin
à blessing and grace from the Infinite-One, recieving in my heart
So beautiful. Thank you.
I am ecstatic that the 300 Lemurian Angels are available now for us to listen to again and again. Great blessings LPG. As always Almine your pictures and your voice and music are amazing. Thank You