In the last few retreats Almine has been speaking about a set of records appearing in front of her, waiting for her transcription. It is called The Book of No Words – Arcana of High Magic.
It is not to be translated into English, but rather its magic is to be experienced by turning the pages, or running your finger over portions of its secret glyphs.
The first 6 pages were transcribed by Almine today. Two of these contain the high magic of the Giants (see the glyphs on the photo).
I have been having dreams where 2 sets of four rows as in the photo have been appearing on my stomach. The glyphs are done in henna and olive oil!
Has anyone else had the same dream(s)?
Blessings to all~
How can I access the book of high magic?
Dear Noemi,
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Team Almine
Patricia: Yes, I am really looking forward to this to. Although I do not have a logical reason why, I cannot wait to work with the whole book.
Dhani: Picture has been put right way up. Enjoy 🙂
Team Almine
I love that this is not being translated! I’m excited to just “be” with the pages! 🙂
Okay I got it.
1. Turn the page around. The page #6 is at the bottom, left corner.
2. Read glyphs left to right.
3. Read first block.
4. Then go to the right of it to the next block.
5. Continue to trace your fingers along the sigils to the end.
We need some help on reading this. The page #6 on the bottom indicates that we have to turn this image sideways to read it properly. So we have to save page to our computer first and then turn it around. Also, we read it Left to right, top to bottom. And it seems to me that this info. is set in columns rather than the usual paragraphs. So we read the top block first, then we go under it (instead of across the page like we would usually do…..?).
Could you clarify this for us please.