1) Becoming aware of a global problem: 3 billion people suffer from the effects of drought conditions in the United States and worldwide.
Drought locations in the USA*
9 states are under one of the three worst drought categories.
California: 93.91 percent of the state in severe drought or worse
Nevada: 86.99 percent
Oregon: 68.48 percent
Utah: 34.38 percent
Arizona: 29.26 percent
Idaho: 26.19 percent
Washington: 23.76 percent
New Mexico: 11.95 percent
South Dakota: 1.32 percent
Additional states facing severe drought conditions
Montana, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, Massachusetts
States at risk for running out of water
Texas, Kansas, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Oklahoma, Utah, Nevada, California
Drought locations Worldwide**
South Africa
South Sudan
North Korea
Northern India
Canada (southern Ontario, British Columbia)
Europe (central and to the North Sea)
Russia (central)
United Kingdom (southern England)
Sri Lanka
2) ALMINE is asking that her lightfamily join her on Thursday, 29th of December in calling forth rain in the USA and worldwide drought locations, in the following ways :
(A) Make a point of feeling deep gratitude and appreciative awareness every time you use or drink water.
(B) One of the main causes of drought is suppressed anger — especially around the holidays when everyone tries to focus on happy thoughts. To keep anger suppressed is not to acknowledge its value in breaking up stuck patterns.
Firstly, on Thursday, take time to be alone and acknowledge everything that makes you angry in your life (write it down). Focus on the present, not the past.
Secondly, in your solitude, allow yourself to verbalize, starting with “I’m so angry at…” and fill in what makes you angry. Pound a pillow as much as you like. Yell and scream if you want to. March up and down and stamp the anger out through your feet. When you’re exhausted, let everything go and sleep. The next morning, ask yourself, “What can I now see that I couldn’t see before?”
(C) Optional – Upon awakening, meditate on images of pure water running in rivers, into the oceans and lakes and on rain.
*The Weather Channel-Drought (May 2015)
**The Watchers – Drought (2016-2014)
Thank you Almine, It was a interesting day for me yesterday in my solitude I realized how much anger I suppressed. Since childhood I thought myself to dismissed anger. Yesterday when expressing my anger I learned that I don’t take myself seriously when punching the pillow and …. however I expressed my mind didn’t want to participate. It was childish to me and made me laugh. But it wasn’t funny. My gratitude for water is so much. Every time I use or see water automatically my heart sending love, my body fills with praise and gratitude. My emotion of anger did opposite apparently . I thank you for bringing this to light for me.
So much love, gratitude, praise and trust
So many times I give Love Praise and Gratitude to the water as it flows from my taps. I send this same message to the Lake water near me as well as streams, cricks, creeks, rivers. I do this also as the rain falls and its lingering water puddles. In the winter as water forms its water ice crystals I send Love Praise and Gratitude to them. I draw simple hearts of love, peace signs and happy faces in the snow and send that into their crystals. Snow angels made to invite the loving angles to assist in balance and harmony for our water elements and elementals. In my life I am called to go to rivers or lakes and am asked to place at least my finger in it. Observed shifts in water molecule structures happen. In showering and bathing I am grateful and invite the water to take this healing out into the earth. So grateful to the water. Thank you Almine for bringing this information and healing awareness this day.
Inspiring…. thank you.
I will definitely be joining also! I have been feeling anger/irritability the last few days, so perfect timing to release that. LPGTS <3
The choice of date is particular?
December 29, 2016 is a day out of time, the last of 2016. And it is interesting to note that 4 days later on 02 January 2017 it will be a new day of day out of time, the first of the Year 🙂
The specificity of such a day is even more catalytic for the meditation to Heal Drought Conditions on the Earth?
It seems to me that the emotional and the conditions of drought can also be put into perspective with the abundance, its lack and its increase.
it rains today in my place (north of France) and often in the south of France, there are floods.
By the end of May, last June, there were heavy rains and heavy flooding in the Paris region, including the capital. And it was legally decreed a state of natural disaster.
We can observe here that lasting drought conditions generate the opposite, that is to say conditions of sudden floods due to heavy rains.
So, the building of the intention (the chosen words) is important because we reap what we sow even if we are invited in a optimistic attitude (Almine’s Weekly Prediction -Dec. 26 – Jan. 1)
Yes, let it rain harmoniously just where it is needed. And that the places where we live are not flooded to end up in a state of natural disaster until more thirsty 🙂 it is not a intention but an early draft 🙂 Finally you understand me.
Thank you Almine for this call, it is also an opportunity to do Aravespi Stra-Unat and a meditation for the land that you give us recently.
Dearest Almine,
I Will do My outmost to join in – in this important and also beautiful event. Since the 1th of November – I have used the powersigil “For the Purification of the Waters of the Earth” AngelGod Nansu-arat Sechvavi – every morning…in order to cleanse, purify and renew my thoughts & emotions. All the fluids in my body…my inner organs, my heart, my brain fluids, spinal fluid and blood. The read, black & white blood cells – purified, cleansed & renewed… I see it ripple from me (micro cosmos) into everything there is.
I’m going to continue this ceremony till the new cosmic year ❤️️ In LPGST
Thank you Almine! I’ll definitely join in ♥ …this is going to be the most precious birthday for me ever, so honored by this opportunity to contribute and to be of service for the Earth. LPGT
Thank You Almine and Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Despite the lack of rain here in Southern California, we have enjoyed several days
of heavy rain, wind and even blanket of snow on the nearby mountains.
While been grateful to the rain thus far, there is a need for much more to be done.
Many of us have converted our lawns to drought resistant plants/shrubs only, also water
company sends out weekly patrol vehicles to fine homeowners violating their mandatory
restrictions. Thus the Slogan “Brown is the New Green”. Water is Sacred and We must Conserve It.!
Looking forward to joining forces with all participants of this Global Event!
Thanks !
Thank you for calling us to action! All of us on the same day expressing and releasing anger – wow! So easy to be thankful for many things throughout the day but I see that I have not been doing that lately. Will start today with water. Thank you beloved Almine, Jan and Light family.
Thank you Almine for the opportunity to change within in order to change drought conditions without. In South Africa we are experiencing for the last 2years servere drought. Currently all provinces have legislative water restrictions. The main dam that supply the water demand for Johannesburg area was at one point only 25% full. A major crisis. We have had some welcoming summer so far now and the situation is improving. There is still a lot of catching up to do to get the dams at a healthy level. I will gladly join our light family for that day. My heart felt gratitude to you and mother earth. ..we have a beautiful earthly home here
Well it is raining right now while I’m reading this post I’m in Australia Queensland Yes I will be sure to join you on Thursday LPGT
No worry, I already do what you mentioned above when using water. I will join you telepathically on Thursday for the calling of a balance amount of rain in the drought areas as per God’s will.
Much love and blessings.
It’s is raining as I read this 🙂 🙂
I was a little surprised to see this post this morning (though I know the drought has been ongoing for while now). Here in Baja California, Mexico we are on day 4 of constant rain and wind. Since I do not have a car I can not go to town for food shopping. I did get my drinking water stock just before this. I thought well I am very grateful I have water at least …maybe I should fast during this cleansing. I also did Aravespi-Stra Unat in this time so the emotional cleansing has and is quite profound.
As I am writing this the wind is moving my house and a huge down pour with tons of hail! I went to go see and I wish I could of filmed this but it was too heavy. Half of the sky (my left ) was bright blue and sunny with some big white clouds and other side (right) was with dark grey clouds. The hail was mostly coming from the sunny side and the heavy rain was from both sides. Pretty amazing visual! It only lasted about 5 mins or so. They say the rain will end tomorrow…so I give gratitude for its clearing and send hopeful intention for it to move to all those who are in need of this. I live by the ocean and speak to it frequently by giving thanks to its presence and beauty. LGPT
Maybe we can ask how to serve the earth to make the water come to where it is needed
Will be happy to join you Beloved Almine, A-Team and lightfamily! Thank you for the opportunity..and the research.
Sri Lanka has been added to the list on this post. There may be other locations not specifically included on the list (though much reading and research was done for this post). With intent, please add any country or location that is not specifically mentioned and the work will be accomplished according to your intent.
Love, praise and gratitude
thanks Jan.
Thank you Almine for calling us together for the drought.
I have been working on this since your last post about drought and global warming.
I deeply appreciate you and this opportunity to join with the Light Family in correcting this for ourselves and the Earth.
Thank you for this Almine. Please everyone add Sri Lanka , specifically the Arugam Bay area to your list. Thank you.
Here in southern Ontario we had the worst drought in the summer and I felt it was all my fault for repressing my scorching anger about a situation. I finally let go and did a little ritual and offering of gratitude and appreciation for water and it’s spirit and within a few days (in august) the heat lessened and we got a bit of rain finally. And now we have a ton of snow, unlike last year which we had none of 🙂
I’ll definitely join in and do this on Thursday around the world. Thank you Almine for asking us all.