“This is a critical time for people to look at their identities. Who they think they are in the outside world. What the outside world tells them who they are and what they believe to be true. Now has come the time to let that go.
Who they think they are in the inside world. What they tell themselves who and what they are. To let that go, too.
Getting rid of these identities and lifting the artificial barrier between inside and outside is of critical importance right now.” ~ Almine
A little conversation I just had with Almine. She was in a hurry so did not divulge on why this is important in this particular time period, but she was so adamant, that I am compelled to share this with all of you.
Will you join in investigating the inner and outer identities deeper than you have done before, and letting them go? Merging inner and outer and letting go of the value judgement between them? Let’s make this happen.
Things keep changing every moment.I can see and feel this
Yes,seeing people pray and the peace it brings them.Hearing people inquire about God and looking forward to meeting HIM in the next life.Some people saying that God is unknowable and inaccessible.
Things beyond our comprehension in the abstract department,with the tempter and the roles,and while angles look like us in the zoo.Who owns the Zoo and what about the Zoo keepers.Not very good at measuring angles.
Not judging again and allowing people choose their religious preference.Seeing joy return to the life of a senior relative after she decided to become a member of a religious order.And the vast range of work overseas ,across the world carried out by devoted religious groups ,down through the ages.People taking pride in their religious books and wanting to display them and preserve them.
The comfort of spending time in a church and knowing for sure that these institutions are there to help the communities in times of hardship as well as celebrating happy occasions.,like marriages,baptisms,confirmations,etc.The joy at spending a weekend visiting churches and cathedrals and being overwhelmed by the magnificent grandeur and ornamentations etc.Wanting to bless the hands of those who created such beauty for us to enjoy.
Priests spending all night tending a sick or dying person.
Counselors too helping grief stricken people.Feeling the depth of gratitude people have for doctors,dentists,priest,nuns ,police force,community leaders,governments ,teachers,farmers,bankers,business people etc.
all part of the rich diversity and tapestry that makes up our unique paradise. Seeing the gifted hands of a builder,tradesman,engineer ,architect,plumber etc. and wanting to be them for a day.The vast range of experiences have no doubt help mould us into what we are today
Felt I needed to express this,
Oh yes, it’s a fine line for sure. I have always kept my spiritual business close to the vest unless I felt someone could truly appreciate it and I think this was necessary in the past, particularly with other lives when things like the guillotine and burning at the steak were involved, 😉 hahaha, those were fun times!.. but today, I do realize it’s a different world and its time for its liberation. The other thing I have noticed in my life experiences with others is that my spiritual beliefs were much more acceptable by others when I did not take myself or those beliefs too seriously. For instance, the main concept I take away from Almine’s teachings is that I don’t really “understand” much of anything… and that’s okay because everything is evolving and changing all the time anyway… and what I do know is that I love the idea of fluidity and change… it resonates deeply with me and I guess that’s all I need to know.. 🙂 And on that note, I must comment that one of the main reasons why I follow and enjoy Almine’s teachings as much as I do, is because of how you, Niels, and Rogier and Marc and David and all don’t take things so seriously, your “brutal” honesty and humility… just “matter of course” take on things, which makes all of it so accessible. I so appreciate this. Thank you so much 🙂
I wish there were “like” buttons, because i would have used them throughout this thread! Reading it was a meditation… and I like leaving with “Today everything is allowed..” 🙂 Here’s another good one:
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It is lethal.” ~Paulo Coelho
Hahaha, that is a great one, Patricia!
Thanks for taking the time to comment, as a substitute for the like button.
To my knowledge you can “like” the whole thread for your Facebook page, if you have one.
Team Almine
hahaha, i knew you would like that one Niels! Facebook – done. to be brutally honest i was hesitant to “like” the Facebook page because several of my Facebook friends don’t seem to be open to such things and I did not want to attract unfavorable scruntiny, however i’m in a very adventurous mood, and well…”everything is allowed..” and if they really like me, well, it’s good that they understand why it is that they really like me… 😀
What was that again of truly not caring about what others think? 😉
I think Almine called it recently: The opinions of others are but specs of dust in the light of your Eternity. To truly let go of self reflection and identity, is to let go of what others think of you… loosely quoted.
I like the brutally honest bit… and I oh so recognize it, for I too still struggle sometimes with the voice in my head that is worried about the opinions of others. However, it is becoming more and more clear that if I want to live a miraculous life -if I want to live my own life- I cannot be bothered with the herd opinion of others of what is good and bad, logic or not, and real or not.
Here’s to the adventurous mood!
This is wonderful Niels. Just wonderful!
Just before Almine started to share the affirmations from the records of Hadji-ka in Walking with the Seer, I had started to play with “I am” affirmations myself, and I find them very helpful to feel the resonance with my eternal being, rather than identities. They are always affirmations of eternal principles, like “I am the pure and fluid expression of the Infinite” or “I am unlimited, infinite abundance”, for instance.
This morning, an old French song was singing in my head, which goes like this :
“Today, I do what I want,
Guess, guess, guess who I am.
Behind my mask, I do what pleases me,
Guess, guess, guess who I am,
For today everything is allowed”
Just a reminder to play with our temporary roles like a fun disguise in a masked ball, rather than identifying ourselves with those.
For today everything is allowed…
What an invitation to dream BIG…
Thank you all for your inspiring comments…new perpectives dawning on my horizon…loving the unknowable.
Written in June 2011 for the online course “The Poetic Perspective” :
In the blue summer sky, languid clouds navigate
Vaporous and fleecy, changelessly changing
Undulating fluid forms, dragons and griffins
The play of air, water and light moving
Their static passage, the plenitude of a magnificent time heralding
Ah, the sky…how funny this should be mentioned about the clouds looking fake. I just wrote the following in my journal the other day: “I lay here yesterday morning gazing at the clouds, and it was as if I beheld them for the first time. I felt for a moment that I was an alien viewing Earth’s atmosphere from the land for the first time: how peculiar, how strange these nebulous balls of white cottony gauze appeared to me. I lost perspective of how near or far they were from me, because I felt I beheld them for the first time. Oh, could I touch them if I stuck my hand out? Â Would it knock me over if it swooped my way? Â And then a giddiness ripples through me–what marvel it is to see a cloud without knowing what it is! Â Without caving it by a definition, a label, without assuming that anything as poetic as a cloud could ever be understood or known!! Â Ah, it is then that the Realness of the cloud is seen. For only that which is Unknowable is Real!”
Today I noticed, without thinking about it, that as I lay looking at the clours again, I happened to close my eyes for a while and they were still there, all that was around me was still there with my eyes closed, vividly seen. No barrier for a moment between in and out.
Many know about the research by Masuro Emoto into water and the effect consciousness has on water. Many more are beginning to expect that water has its own consciousness or awareness.
Clouds are made up of water vapor.
If you believe water has an awareness… then the clouds are huge fluid forms of awareness. Beings that come and go as the Infinite guides them… passionately playing their roles… and disappearing when their note has been played.
Looking at clouds in this manner is a good practice to break the judgement of what is and is not possible. What is and is not life.
Just a thought.
Thanks for sharing, Jocelyn.
Team Almine
True, Niels. I have been pondering that as well lately. How they are such surrendered beings. So light and free of cares, so fleeting in their expression yet magnanimously massive in their poetic impression.
The poet Rainer Maria Rilke was often inspired by the link between transience and immortality; how surrendering to transience made magnificence of immortal revelation possible. He wrote:Â
Earth, isn’t this what you want: to arise within us,
invisible? Isn’t it your dream
to be wholly invisible in us someday? O Earth–invisible!
What, if not transformation, is your urgent command?
Earth, my dearest, I will. Oh believe me, you no longer
need your springtimes to win me over–one of them,
ah, even one, is already too much for my blood.
…Look, I am living. On what? Neither childhood nor future
grows any smaller . . . . . Superabundant being
wells up in my heart.
Ironically this is an excerpt from the NINTH Duino Elegy.Â
Thank you for this! I just took two minutes to think about what is a remaining identity and felt an immediate release. However it is difficult distinguishing inside from outside.
“Lift of the Artificial Barrier”…very interesting yesterday when I picked up my son from school and was driving home my son said: “Look mom the sky is fake” he was absolutely right, the sky looked as if it were plastic and artificial the clouds looked composed and contrived like a painting, dead and still…as we left the main population to where we live, the sky was completely different beautiful blue and no clouds were in the sky! Just amazing…I felt something big was happening in the cosmos…
“The sky is fake…” What an eye opener on a simple week day 🙂
Yes indeed Neils! did you expect anything else when you work with Almine, life is always surprising and unveiling itself!!
Hahaha… Good point, Anna.
I actually have had the privilege to see behind the curtain and see that indeed, this whole construct of physicality is fake… the weirdest experience… while sitting in a bus 🙂
Almine’s urgent plea is quite powerful. A headache and confusion came over me.
I feel something big is about to happen! The LIFT OF THE ARTIFICIAL BARRIER
Big Changes are Afoot! This is what I LIVE For!
Thanks to All
This one praise to the Infinite one inside to hellp to stay awake
seeing all as one every action, to stay alert in no division
to really see in the deeper layers what is happening inside
When this one is boxing inn it is also boxing inn (outside)
Please hellp me Infinite One to let go all off it
( Corrien)
This practice I learned from Marc (Belgium):
Once a day (or preferably more) I sit down and consciously surrender to the Infinite. I give up me. Not out of frustration or agenda, but because of the insight into our inherent situation. We are already in the ocean. There is no place to go. I can either resist (what I have been doing all my lives) or surrender. Now, I choose surrender…
Team Almine
Is it not that the outside world is also the inside world?
Turbulent disturbents from outside so it seems is also inside
The silence meditation with the acturian fairy symbols can whe do that in oneness to get away from idenity in en outside?
Just asking all
Good idea, Corrien. Indeed, the silence meditation would be a good one for this. Please note that all of Almine’s teachings and tools in one way or another work with dissolving barriers… only we have a lot of them…