~ Excerpt from The Vaults ~
Are we a body inside a cosmos?
No. The cosmos is, in fact, inside our body. The body that we have is one that has no skin. The skin that we imagine ourself to have is made up of memories. Memories that affirm identities provide a skin to our body.
But if we let these memories go, keeping only their inspiration – either to change the present or to inspire the present to even greater excellence of interpreting Infinite, inevitable intent – we find that we have no skin. We are just a field. The field is the cosmos; every star is a cell inside our body. And what is more, is that our body is inside the cosmos, but it is also the whole cosmos.
Now, the cosmos is just another layer of skin, because beyond the cosmic boundaries lies Infinity. But it is not around our bodies – it is the Infinite within. And when there is no skin and there is no space, there is neither within nor without.
Can we just contemplate these unexplainable, undefinable concepts, just for a moment? If we do we will suddenly find that we have reached a point where there is nothing outside of ourselves. There is just ourselves. Each being, be it angel or man or something else, that seems to be out there in your environment – and we say ‘out there’ as just a word to use – is but a layer within your own being. And you are a layer within the Infinite’s Being.
~ The Seer Almine
yes, profound is the perfect word
Ungraspable, unimaginable…
but so beautiful..
My whole body resonates with these words
These are such profound truths made available for everyone one. Infinite gratitude dear Almine. I am profoundly moved by these truths revealed to us here.
Oh, this is so magnificent! I am so very grateful for this message… Dancing for joy!!
Fully profound and stunning information!!!
I’m in a state of allowing myself to fully feel
this to be so~
How amazing is this life with Beloved Almine🌌🌠
So very profound and cool!!!
The key is remembering this in seeming opposition!
Thank you for this profound question and the revelations in the answer.