Every night for about a week I’ve been waking up at a little after four o’clock to the sound of a woman’s voice. I thought I was talking in my sleep. But what puzzled me is that my voice has love and kindness in it and this voice in my room did not.
During last night I was awake when it happened and I realized that it isn’t me talking in my sleep, but someone else that I couldn’t see— even when I turned the light on to check. Can you advise, please?
The Seer:
You have a few spirits in the house that escape the light explosion clearings that you’re doing regularly for your home by only coming in at about 3.00–4.00 am or when you’re asleep.
I’ve dealt with the matter for you for now, but one of your online contacts is a very dark witch. She has deliberately disabled your intuition; your inner guidance through feelings, so that you can’t sense who you’re dealing with.
You may have felt that someone in your online contacts, is draining your energy and leaving you feeling tired and depleted and wanting to rest a lot.
Do the light explosion protocol twice a day but when you do the second one at night, say: “Belechsta Arusta verevichpa-ur.” Say those words at the end of the protocol — and repeat in English: “Let these light explosions repeat throughout the day and night as needed to maintain a shield of invisibility for any hostile or invasive intent around me and my home at all times”. Use good magnesium (not magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate) before bedtime. And be aware that when your energy is being drained, it robs you of red blood cells, causing anemia— you need nutritive iron.
More from The Seer:
everyface says
there once wasa old student of Almine that gave classes and had a similar issue– no matter how much I tried to tell her that her friend was manipulating her and using her, even showing proof — she was still blinded by this friend- who was stealing money for payments- and then asking the clients to pay again– for services…which she has done over the course of many years -and when this witch got caught by the client she’d just say that the money got lost and that she would offer the services free in order to not alarm the Oo that was referrin her… but that witch would then set the client up- to put black magick in that clienrs home.. and she thought that if you cant see that you cant know— bur she was wrong–and then that witch turned Oo against the client. Sad that this dark stuff hapoens often…
another time the organiztion that paid me was puttin g bad juju on me everytime i took my paycheck and i couldnt notice this happening until someone pointed it out to me.
Even more recenlty accepting a gift from a friens was weakening me when i wored the pendant- felt like lord of the rings
Tallulah Bleu says
This is incredibly helpful to hear. Thank you Beloved Almine for sharing this with us all.
Barbara Kathryn says
Oh! I feel this could be very useful as a preventive measure, even for those of us who shun social media due to the mediocrity encountered there. And the unethical mercenary mindset of the men who control each platform. One puts oneself in danger unnecessarily. Mediocrity is the best one can expect; it goes down from there…
Would the Wheel against dreamtime interference, placed under the mattress, be useful also?
Where we used to live ghosts kept on filing through. This was before my Almine days, so we consistently put Mikaël to a lot of work as a Passeur of Souls. We lived on the edge of a leafy European forest where wars had left behind the lost…for centuries. The Church had absconded with the reasoning of the ordinary folk so that, once dead, they just lay there, etherically I guess, awaiting the trumpet call.
This was way before Almine gave Esklavanet to Belvaspata practitioners to clear ghosts…whether they were ready to leave or not. Trumpet summons or not!
Dhani says
Incredible!!! GRATITUDE dear Almine. I have found it necessary to perform the Light explosions several times a day sometimes. So now this will make it a lot easier. Thank you!!
Bas Waaijer says
I hope it’s over for you now. As for the information this sounds like a nice addition on the protocol in times of need.
It’s also a tad discomforting knowing that a black witch could influence an OO at all.
Gio says
Vanessa says
Deeply greatful for this message!!!!!!!!!!❤