In this short recording from October 2014, Almine talks about a new time that we are birthing, a time where miracles are common place. Among the topics she discusses are:
-The study of magic
-Miracles in the hands of those who are not impeccable
-Releasing energy by ‘dark magicians’
-In our attempt to control life we leak life force
-Miracles happen to those who are in great states of praise
-Living from a state of levitation by focussing on the inside
Almine will be going into more depth on these topics in the upcoming weeks on
A realization came to me while listening to Almine in this audio that I have been unintentionally practicing black magic,… with intent, in that when things don’t happen as planned, I will step in and take action to bring the outcome into line with my desires. Isn’t this what Almine describes as black magic? So then, is white magic nothing more than praise, in that it is never used to force the issue? Thank you!
That’s interesting Nancy. In the audio she goes on to say that black magic is also taking power or energy from something else. I have often thought the difference between good and evil is that evil takes and destroys and good creates.
Another master says that when you create from your mind (as I guess strong intent would be) you create the thing you want plus its opposite. When you create from your heart, it will be as you desire in a form that is benevolent to all.
I don’t know the answer, though, but interesting comment.