This summer solstice people from all over the world will join in on the Earth Chant Ceremony. The ceremony is specifically designed to restore the frequency component for the peoples of earth. The ascension of light that the earth has taken in the last few years means a lot of gains in perception, however the other end of the “stick of duality”, frequency, has been legging behind. This ceremony is intended to restore the balance. Below are some tips by Almine for this most sacred three day ceremony.
- The less cerebral (light) you can be during this time of frequency restoration, the better.
- Sigils might appear in your awareness. If they do, by all means do draw them, but try to refrain from logical exercises, like writing out ideas, etc.
- Both sound engineers who have worked with the Earth Chants have experienced a lot of detoxification, so please drink a lot of water as you listen to the ceremony.
- Go into deep relaxation.
- If you want to do something, engage in interpretive movements.
- If you need to sleep, please sleep and keep the Earth Chants playing on a low volume (just audible) in the background.
- If you have to work during portions of the ceremony, just keep it playing in your house, or ask someone else to tape it, so you can listen to it when you return. If it is played, even while you are not there, it will still have an effect on your house, your town, your country.
- If a certain portion of the songs is too much for you to bear, do not turn it off, but remove yourself from the room. Do not stop the playing of the ceremony.
- Understand that the raising of the frequency with this ceremony, done by people all around the globe, is a most sacred event. Thank you so much for the part you are willing to play in it.
Of course it would be great if you spend the ceremony as part of our very first Silence Retreat. However, if you cannot come to Canada for this retreat, this user guide might contain some good tips for you.
Leave a little line to let us know how you are planning to spend your time during the Earth Chant Ceremony. Perhaps we can inspire each other…
Update May 8th 2012
For those not quite sure what this whole ceremony is about, these audios might be of interest.
I will be with family in Chautauqua NY on a beautiful lake. I had originally hoped to be at home so I could be in more silence. However, all is in perfection… and there will be 4 generations of females on my maternal side. 🙂
Jocelyn………The crackling sounds were like that of breaking twigs into little pieces. It felt as though much density was being released from within my bones. Almine has said our bones are the last to become fluid, so this was a grand blessing for me. I found your poem to contain many layers, each layer filled with a different emotion. With heartfelt Love and Gratitude…………
Wow Wendy, crackling sounds! I am intrigued and mystified by how much you can feel the poem.
Jocelyn………Eyes fill with tears and body responds with crackling sounds. Deeply moving, thanks for sharing.
I will be with Almine for a week on personal retreat, then flying to Arizona to make my way to the ochre colored rocks in Sedona. I have no idea from there what shall transpire and I love that! If I can figure out how to be out in the mountains and have wifi to sing and play the chants into the caverns of this beautiful place…….I’ll be flying with the eagles and connecting with all of you!
Now I am torn between BC and Arizona… where oh where should I go 😉
Joselyn, your poem made me cry…It resonates deeply in me. Thank you beloved sister.
Thank you for commenting, My Sister. It is a poem that seemed to come right out of the chant itself, and was felt quite intensely. Deep healing for sure.
Thank you Jocelyn
Niels, yes, here is the poem that came through when I listened to the first Earth Chant I ordered:
Into the streets of men the Mother roamed
“Have you seen my lost beloved?”Â
her wandering lament moans.Â
She knocks on all the doors within the city
Yet none have room to take her in.Â
In her dreaming exile,
She cries tears upon desert sand.Â
A thorny cactus grows and blooms
“May none trespass where I have been
For I wish this pain on no one.Â
Yet for the weary pilgrim,
Forever shall this cactus bloom.Â
For its waters shall heal blind eyes
And wipe the lament from themÂ
With the tresses of my hair.”
(Feb. 14)
Very beautifull and touching.
Hugs Mar
I don’t know where I will be, but wherever I will be, I will be here…I live in the country tucked away…when I first listened to a group of Earth Chants being played from Gathering of the Light Family, I was upstairs in my home with my windows open listening to the Earth Chants. When the show ended around 10:00 I felt really shifted and all of a sudden I heard a huge crash…I ran downstairs, went outside and saw that a huge oak tree had fallen down crushing our wooden the morning I saw the big tree, roots and all that had fallen down. Powerful! It seemed to me that within the Earth herself she was letting go of what was obsolete, that no longer serve, too many trees fighting for resources, that is what I non-cognitively received…I await with a child’s excitement at what will be released and received on the sacred day of the ceremony.
Like you Jocelyn, I know the beautiful creatures around me, great and small, will all
be in a state of grace as the Earth removes what is obsolete and releases all her stories through us.
Infinite blessings are always here. (watch-out for falling trees! 🙂 )
I am so looking forward to joining the Ceremony from my forest abode in the mountain valley of Vermont. The two Earth Chants I have are extremely powerful for me. They help me rebalance, let go of any need to control or resistance/bondage to circumstances. Poetry has flown out of them and they help my body take deep release breaths. Can’t wait to undergo the 3 day process. I have employees who work every morning in my home, so it will inevitably be heard by a few people besides me, and the dogs of course. I’m sure my nightly frog chorus will enjoy it too.
A wonderful way to share the Earth Chants with others, Jocelyn. Do you have an example of your poetry?
Team Almine
on a completely unrelated topic but thought i should mention it here, it seems many insights are gained from this place
i dreamt once that the goddess who represents the yellow light “the goddess of lies” was very upset with me because i have the same power as hers to take energy from others, but i havent a clue how to use it because soon after that dream i felt so drained and powerless can you niels ask almine how to use my power please
i am trying to digest my density im wondering if you have any insights on whether or not it is now obsolete
I am very gratefull for the Earth Chant Ceremony Guide on this Diary and have been looking forward to these 72 hours ever since I heard of the Earth Chant Ceremony.
Probably I will be in my home in Barendrecht, though the Silence retreat in Canada is calling too…..
I have kept the 72 hours totally ‘open’. No work, no company as of yet. Maybe I will be painting, on canvas, paper, glass…. traveling through or merging all 4 dreamstates…; well, I joyously anticipate a great, adventurous journey to and in and through all and no directions. In my experience it has already started. In Love, Praise and Gratitude, Mariëlle.
The moment this ceremony was offered I knew I am part of it. to my own surprise because my mind can,t realy make sense of it.
so I will be 7500 ft up on a remote mountain in BC, Canada and will have nothing other than listen and experience the 72 hours. I say bring it on and have a blast. 🙂 Whatever in detail it will be ,journey me and show me more.
All of the Almine team and most wonderful Almine I honor you all for the inspiration and joyous gifts you bring to many of us.
kisses and hugs
from Christine
I know we are all in Oneness and all that goodness, but man, that sounds awfully sweet, Christine. Would love to join you on that mountain in BC. We’ll be going strong together. You from your mountain in Canada. Me from my little room in the South of Holland.
i am keeping my heart open constantly i am healing every moment, you said we should keep our light low during this ceremony, what does that mean, shouldnt we be keeping our light as high as possible?
Ah! That is a good question there, Steven, let me try to rephrase this a little better to avoid confusion:
There is a difference between “your light” as in, your essence, and light, i.e. logic or perception. Of course let your light, or essence, shine through with everything you do, as much as possible and be a blessing to the earth in that manner.
However, to let the ceremony have as great an impact as it can have, it is advantageous to refrain from being too much in left brain, logical (or light-based) doingness and instead focussing on frequency/emotion based beingness.
I hope this has cleared stuff up a bit 🙂
Team Almine
During hthe Earth Chant Ceremony I will be working from home, with the music softly playing in the background. It will be in my work space and my bedroom. I will have a notepad near by if any inspiration does boil to the surface.
Especially the “deep relaxation” advice in the users guide is something I look forward to. I will certainly be doing a few 1 hour stretching sessions while playing this music.
Team Almine