We are so excited about the upcoming free global ceremony which is a glorious celebration of the Lemurian Angels. Their exquisite music – sound healing of profound depth – will be played as well as recorded audios of their insights in different languages will be presented. The advent of their coming forth and giving us their information and music is paramount for the new reality that we are birthing. Come on over to Ascension.net and have a closer look at what will take place on Night of the Angels!
As a little warm-up, below you will find the second of three posts with insights from the Lemurian Angels. You can read the first post here and the third one here.
Godhormones and human hormones
The angel Kusalanekvravi who presides over the Third Eye Chakra, and Angel Pirach-nanunes who governs the Crown Chakra, tell us that;
‘Most great lights upon the earth are those who are of the god-kingdom and who live among humanity in forgetfulness. They have assumed a human identity for so long, that their song has been using only limited notes for expression. In addition, they have lost their ability to produce the hormones that are associated with the god-kingdom.
The production of human hormones have trapped god-beings in the human matrix, rather than their helping humans evolve beyond the limitations of the human matrix. In doing that, they have entered the competitive human games they do not excel at. This has created self-esteem problems that have further obscured their true majestic heritage.’
Self esteem problems and a deep sense of not belonging, can you relate to that? I can, and so it is with utmost gratitude and respect for these beautiful angels that I went through this profound course of deep spiritual and personal self-development.
As Almine said ‘How often have we tried to dim our light? To laugh, but not too much? To shine, but not too much, that others might not feel envious or be made to feel small? It is time to live these exquisite Attitudes of Exhilaration, so that we might, in fact, fulfill our destiny: to shine so brightly that others, seeing our light, will be led to shine theirs and seek it also.’
How about hostility from others?
Many of us encounter a lot of resistance from others when we try and shine our light, and old programming might dictate to us that we should just embrace the dysfunctionality and turn the other cheek. That as higher consciousness beings we have an obligation to make sure those of lesser consciousness are not left out. But in doing so we often suppress ourselves, thus bringing in hardship in our lives.
The Lemurian Angels explain why. The God-beings made themselves small by disrespecting and abandoning themselves. They saw themselves as the role or mask, rather than the vast being manifesting in all life forms. Others therefore disrespected them too by attacking, ridiculing, excluding or trying to control them. Not remembering their own vast presence, they allowed the disrespect from others.
Accepting the unacceptable is neither loving nor holy, it is dysfunctional. Angel Skiva-nechvi gives us four reasons why the unacceptable should not be put up with:
- It empowers itself by holding our attention.
- It puts accusers in the role of judge (which strengthens their judgementalness) and you in the role of defending yourself, except no one is really listening.
- When we say no to co-dependent control by another, they condemn us. Others are usually turned against us also. This makes others seem unsafe and causes us to want to isolate ourselves. This deprives the many of the beneficial presence of the few.
- When higher being (gods) are in a lower reality (humanity) they are archetypal. When an archetypal being empowers dysfunctionality through focus, it strengthens it on Earth.
Almines advices that when difficult people are in our lives, we find the praiseworthy part within them we can resonate with, and emphasize it as a song in our heart when we are with them. We look past the difficult exterior and feel their resonant aspects vibrate with ours in perfect harmony.
Producing and emitting the Godhormone is a key factor in evolving our light and creating a reality where Godbeings and humanity flourish. The Alchemical Fragrant Oils, especially the Goddess Blend and the Blend of the Gods, help resurrect this ability. (You can read more about them in our Fragrance Alchemy store).
But it is not just that we don’t produce it enough, we in fact inhibit its release by holding on to the distorted emotions of pain, fear, anger, guilt or shame, and hopelessness.
Emotions as a tool of guidance
Seeing the higher function of these negative emotions and using it, removes the inhibiters of the god-hormones’ expression. Gratitude for the gifts they have brought is the beginning of changing their functions to useful tools. Below I have summarized the higher purposes of the negative emotions:
- Pain: When seen as a guidance system as to what direction we should be moving in, rather than opposing it, we see more clearly, it starts to feel more like pressure and creates momentum of change.
- Fear: Instead of retreating due to not being able to fit in or fear of being left out of the tribe, thus not expressing fully, we can evolve it to a way of enhancing our inclusiveness. We retreat into our inner space, our uniqueness, and come out again with a new higher perspective on what we have not yet included in our acceptance.
- Anger: Shows us where we feel victimized by the matrix. It indicates which part of illusion we take too seriously (making it real by opposing it). The need for anger is replaced by the unselfconscious charm of an open heart, when we move lightly through life, refusing to affirm illusion by giving it importance.
- Guilt and shame: Can help us find which areas of our experiences have not yielded their valuable insights. When we see the value of our deeds and those of others, we eliminate karmic re-creation of these events.
- Hopelessness: Hopelessness is the desire to give up; to succumb to defeat. The positive use of it turns it into the guidance system that shows us where in our lives we have not yet surrendered to the Infinite will. Giving ‘up’ can become giving ‘in’ to the Infinite’s will.
The angels continue and talk about how mastering these emotions yield 5 perceptions which are to activate the self-guided, self-determinative abilities of a being who is in the god-kingdom. There are those who were created as gods, and there are those who have graduated into the god-kingdom – something every creature is able to do eventually.
The communication center that steers us in the directions to move into the desired outcome is the high heart. The sigil for the high heart’s activation into this higher function is an alchemical equation of the five perceptions.
So mastering emotions is vital because we can then receive, interpret and broadcast Infinite Intent and create our desired reality. The Lemurian Angels have given us a specific manifestation proces using the high heart and several other organs and systems. That is coming up in next week’s post!
Until then – you can still take advantage of the 50% discount on most courses, including the Lemurian ‘Messages from the Angels’ which this post is inspired by. It will not be available after Feb. 1st 2014. Check out the post here to see what changes will happen regarding courses.
Hello??? EXACTLY what I have been feeling/sensing lately in particular. Every single aspect of what is described here… particularly the self-esteem issue because I am not good at the world’s games and programs, but thinking if I am a God Being I should be right..? but then thinking…”but perhaps I am not supposed to be good at these things, so that’s okay..and the fact that I am completely turned off by them is okay” ….however, wondering “Then how the heck am I supposed to be engaging here? …and how do i deal with the judgement of those around me?..” and then being totally frustrated because I sense fleetingly a tremendous power …and “know” what an illusion this existence is… But then I’m back to the fact that “I’m HERE, so what now? and seeminglyI have not been good at being a God Being either or I would have this figured out by now..” Which has led me to “Surrender and Trust” for being at a total loss of what else to do!… And this post is the perfect GOD SEND boost, affirmation, support and clarification! Thank you so much Angels and Malue. I feel a renewed sense of Oneness..and CONFIDENCE in my Spiritual Being-ness… xoxxxxx
Oh, I can really really relate to what you are saying Patricia! This confusion and going back and forth, in and out, and trying to make sense of it all. That is part of the reason why I loved this course so much, because the angels talk about issues that have been prevalent in me, I just couldn’t verbalize it or understand why it was happening.
Also, for exampl,e seeing things from many different angles at the same time and not understanding why others (humanity) couldn’t, has previously made me feel wrong and totally off 🙂
I am soooo glad and thankful that this is of help and that you can use it as inspiration and booster <3
LPGT Malue
I hear you Malue! It so helps to realize that we volunteered to be here “in the trenches” ..however somehow our tools didn’t make it with us, and none of our friends looking on could get them to us, until now.. 😀
Malue thank you so much for this. Helps transform the difficult things of life to the inspirational.
I’m so glad to hear that Marikins, thank you. It’s very beautiful said – ‘transform the difficult things of life to the inspirational’ – because that’s exactly what much in our life is about right? I’ll remember that one 🙂
LPGT Malue
Nice work Malue. Appreciate it very much. 🙂
Thanks a lot Dhani <3 Reminders are great, because to me there is always a new angle, a new insight that I didn't quite see before, so this was very helpful for me during a bit of a challenging time recently 🙂
Malue, Magnifique! Really wonderful, well-said, and a nice reflection.
Thank you so much Noor <3
Thank you Malue, your brilliance shines through in how you put into words the essence of the Lemurian Angels and their gift and message to us. I love what our Angels are to us…with LPG &T Malue. <3!
Thank you so much Anna! I too love what the angels are to us <3
This is really fantastic Malue, thank you so much!
You’re so welcome <3
A great summary and reminder of information that was released earlier this year but might have been forgotten or fallen out of view due to the massive amount of other materials coming through.
A especially liked the reminder of “why the unacceptable should not be put up with: It puts accusers in the role of judge (which strengthens their judgementalness) and you in the role of defending yourself, except no one is really listening.”
A big thanks to you Malue, for compiling this. Can’t wait to see the final installment next week!
Team Almine
Thanks Niels, I truly enjoyed it. Yes, there is so much material coming through constantly so it’s nice to look ‘back’ sometimes. I do feel though that this particular course touched me very deeply in a different way than the others have, and it is a great starter for the Entering Godhood courses I think. I also just love angels 🙂