Today we share two youtube video shot during the Shamanic Men’s Retreat, about early mankind and the Annunaki. Enjoy!
Anunnaki-Human Hybrids (Adam & Eve Pt. 1)
In this fireside discourse Almine describes how Adam and Eve were the first successful Anunnaki-Human hybrids. She clarifies that these were not the first humans, who happened to reside in the Inner Earth at that time. Nor were they the savage neanderthal-like beings that were the remnants of prior genetic experiments by those that came from Orion.
The Ashanta Serpent in the Garden of Eden (Adam & Eve Pt. 2)
Continuing the Adam and Eve story, Almine discloses the identity of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden as a member of the original caretakers of humanity (who eventually corrupted into the so-called Secret Government). These Ashanta Serpents had determined that if the Anunnaki were going to create a new human offshoot, it had to be more than just a worker slave. In other words, this human race was to have intelligence, vision and longevity – qualities that the Anunnaki did not deem it worthy of.
See more of Almine’s youtube clips on her personal channel, here.
2nd post today
My boyfriend and I were talking about his comic book he wants to create with me about the begining of time of how this universe was creative and Adam and Eve are in it. My friend Launa has been following you for some time and she showed me a lot of your work. It’s been a while, aside from buddhism, that I felt makes a lot of sense! I’m glad to continue to keep following you,
Welcome to the diary, Jewels.
Hope you find a lot of helpful insights here.
Team Almine
Thank you for sharing these moments from the Men’s retreat… Love to see and hear Almine telling the Adam and Eve story… 😉