Adoration of the Infinite
Besides all the tools Almine has brought forth, my greatest moment of inspiration and joy was when I met Almine for the very first time at a silent retreat in September 2018.
I dreamt about her many times before. My first dream of her was that she would turn my world upside down……………and that literally became true in many ways.
Looking back at the retreat, I realized that I was in the holiest place of all places; in her “presence” and it fills my heart to this day with great joy.
Apart from the cutting- edge information shared during our miraculous time together, I had the opportunity to observe Almine as a master of grace and poise. She allowed me glimpses of her personal life ……………they were so precious to me.
She demonstrated to me how a holy life of mastery unfolds in perfection………….
How everything in her environment speaks to her and that nothing is taken for granted. Every little detail was given its appreciative awareness and attention. It brings a smile to my face when I recall a story she shared with us involving her little pinky finger………. a small detail…. yet profound
My deepest desire now is to become a living portal of Infinite Intent with complete surrender and trust and every time I recall my time spent at the retreat, I realized that Almine already embodied the living portal of Infinite Intent……………….yes……my eyes have opened up to see the miraculous behind “form” of Almine.
Today I still feel so blessed to have shared her sacred space with her……to describe her “presence” is beyond any words……………only a deep feeling of “knowing” exquisite depths of connection on many levels yet to be explored. Her Vastness is and will always be overwhelming.
As I deepen my own growth with each step I take I can perceive greater detail of her vastness that she embodies fluidly and lovingly…… EMBRACING ALL.
Denise L. ~ (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Previous: Adoration Of The Infinite – 11
Sara Roshan says
Thank you Denise, deeply touched …. I also had a dream years before knowing Seer with exactly the same feeling and I agree with you she turned my world around … upside down. I am eternally grateful for that.
Ailsa Mclean says
So beautifully expressed, Denise. Your words have touched me deeply.
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you Denise for sharing your experiences with Almine. I loved reading them.
Anna says
Thank you Denise. Beautiful.
stacey says
Thank you Denise, that was beautiful ….💙
Dhani says
Beautiful testament. Thank you. 🙂