Testimonial 1 – Sacred Jewelry
Every time when I receive my parcel with sacred oils and/or the jewelry, it feels like Christmas! I am always in such joyful excitement about what the new smells are and what jewelry Almine has chosen for me…!
A year ago I received a parcel, and while unpacking I heard flying wings through my opened window. I recognized them as swan wings, and as I ran to the window I saw that indeed two swans had flown close over my home! This is quite unique as I live the city, and it is one of the many ‘surprise magic’ and materialized blessings throughout my day since I started to walk the holy journey with Almine.
I took a picture of myself wearing the jewelry right afterwards, and it shows my happiness of receiving this beauty and the blessings.
This year I reveived a little heart pendant which I cherish much.
Wearing the different jewelry each day heals my being in subtle but profound ways, and helps me to align with being a Goddess amongst men. I am very grateful for its sacred gifts.
Testimonial 2 – The Holy Embodiment of the Infinite
There would be no other place where I would rather be than here at this time around our beloved Almine. Since I started walking this holy journey with Almine, there have been many miracles in my life, and every day I try to live my best and to work with the holy tools. The most dear to me is the Book of Spells, and when I am in nature, I love to tell the hidden realms about the Holy Embodiment of the Infinite and that Great Times Await…! They love it when I show them the sacred sigils, and they even made bright yellow moss to show their magic and presence! Our shared love for Mother brings much happiness to our hearts, and I am so grateful to be here and to celebrate this never-ending journey around the Holy Embodiment of the Infinite.
With sincere Love, Praise, Gratitude and Surrendered Trust,
Else H. (Leeuwarden, the Netherlands)
Previous: Adoration Of The Infinite – 4
How lovely you are in Almine’s jewelry, radiating her Blessings. I can see she knows you well 💛
I love the way you describe how you share Her with Nature and the many beings you encounter on your walks.
What an exceptional and graceful testimonial
you have shared.
I can “hear” your slow resonant voice deep with meaning in every word you spoke.
Love and Blessings to you🦢
Else, you are so beautiful. A Goddess in the flesh,
Your words express how I fere too about beloved Almine and her sacred tools
Thank you Else ❤️ Both of the necklaces are beautiful. So are the orchids and the yellow moss. Grateful to share the journey with you 😍
Gorgeous! Both Elses. ;D