In this audio clip, Almine talks about time, time loops and the ending of linear time. What is the aftermath of the changes made in the cosmos in 2012? Listen to Almine share about a time loop she found herself in during the Amsterdam 2012 retreat, where she returned to find and complete the so-called 144 Tones of Purity (see Journey into the Labyrinth – Library 72).
A Time Loop – Something Interesting
In our diary post in September 2012 here, Avril commented that the Tones of Purity we worked through during the Amsterdam retreat, were -verbatim- the Tones of Purity in Journey into the Labyrinth. As we worked on them, everyone, including Almine, was under the impression this was brand new information. However, these tones had already been accessed at least 3 years earlier, in the online course “Revisiting the Labyrinth“, which is the source material of the book of “Journey into the Labyrinth”. The only difference was that the book had 96 tones published and the retreat was working on 144 tones, with the first 96 being identical. So, what was going on? Had we done this work for nothing? Had a mistake been made somehow, that we accessed the same material twice? Listen to the audio and find out!
During the retreat, many people saw Almine working on her original manuscript with the 144 tones. A manuscript she had us working with as well. It was a work in progress that she finished up during the retreat. One of the many things we did together was to integrate all of these tones. It was to our great surprise at Spiritual Journeys that we later found out that Almine had actually accessed, again, material she had accessed 3 years earlier, but which wasn’t complete the first time around. As she puts it in the audio, she traveled back in time in Amsterdam, accessed the same materials again -hence the verbatim correspondence of the first 96 tones in the Amsterdam material with the much older pages from Journey into the Labyrinth- and retrieved the remainder of the 144 tones.
This is not the first time that Almine talks about being in time loops, or going back in time. Actually, quite some students and friends of her have experienced weird, very weird, examples of time being seriously off, either in the presence of Almine or when working with her materials. However, this ìs the first time that we have just a little bit of ‘physical remainders’ to back these stories up that we can share with you, in the form of the original manuscript of Amsterdam and the material of Library 72. It is not much, and we know it is easily dismissed or explained in other ways. And that is fine. It is not intended as proof, as such, of anything. Instead, we wanted to share this because for those working with Almine’s material, it is a nice validation of something that has been a reality and a part of their lives for some time… It is a testament of the dawning of the magical life… With that enthusiasm in mind we just wanted to share this story and its inspiration with you today.
Note by Team Almine
With special thanks to Avril for the keen eye, the people who attended the Amsterdam retreat for their hard work and the people who attended the Belgium retreat for their role in the ending of linear time in December 2012. If you were at both the Amsterdam retreat and the Belgium retreat, you double rock! If you were both at the Amsterdam retreat, the Belgium retreat ánd are called Avril… we bow our heads in awe 🙂
Ysahaya says
Dear Niels,
yes, me too, I love going deep into these concepts. And yes, everyone comes up with different answers and aspects, as everyone has a unique perspective, and I just love this wonderful precious diversity and my heart sings with delight and gratitude! Thank you so much for your answer, I so appreciate it.
From my perspective a guidance system is no longer needed for growth (as you say growth is no longer a goal or a need, and yes what a relief :-)..) but for interpreting the intent of the Infinite and aligning to it.
I remember Almine saying that mirrors only form if we have belief systems or if we oppose life. So something just comes to my mind right now: the fact that there are mirrors present in our environment (or that our environment becomes a mirror instead of being our expression) shows that we still have belief systems or oppose life. In that sense mirrors can still be a great guidance system, showing that we oppose Infinite’s intent instead of surrendering to it.
Yes, and eventually they can become like tools (as many other things do) which they were meant to be. Play and choose, how wonderful. And one more thing just comes to my mind: if I say we leave the world of mirrors behind and don’t use them as a guidance system any longer, in other words: if I mean by that there should be no more mirrors, if I mean no mirrors is better than mirrors, then I’m opposing them and am trapped once again in the matrix of opposites. So the concept of the freedom of using mirrors is indeed a great, great concept (of course, as everything that is transmitted by Almine!) which gives one the freedom of not getting trapped in opposites. The freedom of playing with them like tools – instead of opposing them
Thank you Niels, how inspiring ♥
Ysahaya says
Thanks so much!
I’m currently studying the 144 Tones of Purity (Almine’s hand-written manuscript) and translating it into german language (for two sisters and myself). A question arose:
Number 135. says: “Freedom of using mirrors for guidance”
Does this mean that we can still use mirrors as a guidance system, if we wish to? Seems a little bit confusing to me as we left the world of mirrors. ? Could you please explain?
Much love,
Niels says
Dear Ysahaya,
I just love it when we sometimes have to think a little deeper on some of these tones and concepts. Also, of course everyone is going to come up with different answers. Here’s my two cents worth of reading this tone…
At one time, deep within the Dream the only guidance system we had was growth through opposition. However, since that time we’ve also found other ways to grow, like growth through support, growth through grace and growth through inspiration. Finally one might consider that growth as a need or goal is perhaps not even needed, but a nice happy side-effect of just living. This can be a great releasing insight for many light workers, I have found.
The above information gives you the freedom to use the mirrors for growth and guidance if you so choose. It is no longer the only option, you can play and choose. I see it as if instead of being a tyrant, mirrors have become like tools, perhaps their true and greatest purpose…
Hope this helped 🙂
Team Almine
avril says
Corrien, I so enjoy reading your comments, you sound so sweet and sincere, with a delcious hint of humour…it was lovely to meet you in Genk!
Corrien says
Hurray to you Avril
And thank Jane and Avril for the beautiful lecture on the healtsymposium
What great awareness
avril says
Anna says
This is wonderful to hear…thank you.