The Seer Almine is now creating Personal Alchemical Healing Oil for Pets.
This alchemical healing oil can be put on their paws. Please include in the ‘Note’ section, when ordering, your pet’s name, ailments, or symptoms.
The Seer encouraged me to share Sassy’s story..
As many of you know, Sassy is my mom’s (Sandy) dog, although I claim her to be mine too. Recently she had an anal gland rupture that burst out of her skin, on her behind. This left a wound that became about 3/4″ long, and was deep, within a day. While I was at work, my mom called me, with deep concern saying that Sassy was bleeding alot from the wound. We called the vet and they took us in within an hour. We were concerned also that it was becoming infected, even though we did everything suggested to keep it clean. After looking at the wound, the doctor confirmed an infection was beginning and was surprised at how big it had was. He said they would have to clean the wound and close it with staples for it to heal properly. So, they took her back and used actual metal staples to close the wound. We could see that Sassy was in pain from all this.
Because I was at work when all this happened, I had to let Almine know what happened and that I had to leave work to take Sassy to the vet. She agreed. That evening, Our Beloved Almine let me know that she wanted to make a healing oil for Sassy, and so she did. I told Sassy (who knows Almine personally & also has listened to Almine’s webinars & material with us) about Almine making a healing oil for her. She got so excited, she was giving kisses, wagging her tail and wiggling all over. Sassy is also very aware of the power of the oils. She loves putting on her Sacred Space oil. A day later, I brought the healing oil home for Sassy. I showed it to her and told her that Almine loves her so much that she made this special healing oil for her. She became so happy that she started jumping up and down, with joy beaming out of her eyes. Everyday, she rolls over happily, to put on her healing oil. The wound has healed nicely and she is going to have her staples removed today. This oil has been a blessing for us all! I highly recommend a healing oil for your pets!
Thank you all for your kindness! 🙂
How wonderful for Sassy, Tina.
This is SOOOO beautiful to hear. I am thrilled Almine is creating healing oils for animals.
Thank you Beloved, Almine.
Thank you, Tina, for telling us about your darling Sassy …….. I”m so grateful that Almine is making healing oils for animals!!!! HUG
Yes, I’m grateful too!
Big Hugs
Thank you so much for sharing this. I often wondered about using the oils for pets. Love to Sassy
Wow! And what if it gets licked, is that safe? Just a practical question… I have cats and they will and do lick everything off, especially on paws. I know the oils don’t taste very nice when I have accidentally licked them lol, so I’m not sure if they are actually safe to ingest?
Thanks for asking Ciara; that was my question too as I have buns and they too lick everything.
Hi Ciara,
I am waiting on a reply from Almine, to your question.The oils are pretty strong and animals most likely will not lick them. Yes, I’ve tasted some too..lol.. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back from Almine.
One more addition to this: Almine has had our bath salts (which contain our oils in them) tested and they are safe for pets. She recommend putting you pets paws only into the bath salt water.
Almine says the oil smells strong and won’t taste good, so it’s unlikely your pet will lick it. However, if you are truly concerned, she can put the blessing into a food grade Almond oil, or even Avocado oil.
A fragrance oil made with essential oils would be toxic for cats, not only if ingested but by absorption though the skin. This is due to the phenol content. It harms the feline liver. A cat doesn’t recover from liver disorders, unlike humans and (some) other species. Dogs have a very different gut than a cat.
So I wonder if a drop in your own palm, rubbed together for passing your hands over the cat’s etheric body would work?
Our oils are not made with Essential oils, only fragrance oils. So a cat would be safe from what you are saying above.
Thank you so much dear Tina, I appreciate this so much. I have a cat who is having great difficulty fully releasing past trauma that we went through together (though is making progress) and who also has a compromised liver due to being a herpes carrier (with occasional flareups – he has to take a few natural remedies daily and be monitored constantly in various other ways) – so I was concerned regarding what Barbara mentioned above. I know that our oils are not the same as essential oils, but I wasn’t sure if they would still be potentially not safe for ingestion in a similar way.
Sorry to bother you with more questions, but could you perhaps just clarify one point above? Is it the case that they’re not safe for ingestion but Almine believes that a pet is unlikely to lick it, or that they would cause no harm if ingested? Did you get a sense of that when speaking to Almine? I don’t mean to ask her again, but rather your sense on this.
If it’s the former, I thing I’ll go with the almond oil one just to be on the safe side.
Much love!
Dear Ciara, thank you so much for your questions. Everything is explained in the newest post.
Many blessings,
So happy you shared this miracle with us beautiful Tina. Sassy is very blessed. I can’t wait to get Lucy her own magical blend.
Denise O’
Even though I have no pets…………..It was wonderful to read your story of Sassy and I’m glad she’s getting better. So grateful to Almine as well. All my love to you, Sassy and Almine.
Oh, so sweet and cute Sassy, wonderful to know you are on the mend and doing well. Such a delightful post to read, thanks for sharing Dear Tina!
Wow. Almine thank you so much for your attention to our pets too. Long time I was wondering how would be nice to have it to my dog. She suffer with allergy a lot. I am looking forward to bring joy to my lovely doggie friend. Thank you Sassy 🤗 be happy always 💓💓💓
Wow! So glad to hear this magical tale of Sassy. Thank you for sharing Tina. 🙂
Glad your pet is doing much better now. 🙂