After last week’s “unfolding miracle”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of July 28 – August 03, 2013
Stand in the still center of the storm and feel the eternal power of alignment with the Source of existence. Live from the realization that death has no place in your reality and make your choices with the patience of endlessness.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of July 21 – July 27, 2013
A subtle but strong awareness will dawn this week that you are in the midst of the masses, but functioning from a higher reality. Let the density of others move through you – you are a child of eternity; an unfolding miracle.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
The weekly prediction is inspired by Almine’s Calendar of Oneness.
Marta says
All of the things coming forth are coming exactly at the time I am living the need for them. I do feel I am living the answers more and more.
In these last weeks the density around me has been too much for me to push back with the limited passion I am able to muster. My environment has been filled with the pressure to find out what needs to change about matter and form for many years–the density of it all threatening to suffocate me completely.
I live in a vortex at the edge of forest land. That man does not live with nature as a principle is abundant in the problems that arise here. Fire is a big issue, and it arose twice during these weeks when we have first pushed back density and then allowed it to pass through us.
Firefighters appeared on my property late on Thursday night and wanted to see my burn pile. In the conversation that ensued about banning burning and following the laws, I felt how wonderful that it is to have the doors of godhood opening now. The awareness of the Infinite’s constant renewal and unmoveable newness made it possible for me to stand in perfect stillness as the firefighter became more intensely focused on needing me to see things from his perspective. The danger of fire to property…the difficulty of being a firefighter in the area in which I live…that they put their lives on the line for us.
How glad I am that the Infinite does not need us to express Its Being!!!!!
The impenetrable shield of a higher reality
The UNSPEAKABLE knowledge of Infinity unfolding (as I stood in silence, the firefighter finally began telling me what I needed to say.)
The immovalbe newness of the joyous journey
The harmonious interplay of light and shadow ( this tone was the tone of the day when the firefighters came. As I stood there I watched many concepts about shadow moving into light and light dimming run through me. Almine, how glad I am that we will be able to command the elements through our voice!!! And for fire to become light and harmless…)
Forcused awareness within expanded perspective (Since these encounters I have watched the many ways we can be drawn into failure as the tribe lures us into conformity. Thank you Almine for this information–it gave me the extra strength I needed not to explain.)
Alignment with the Infinite. I am ready to fully embrace living as a God/Goddess and to live the principles so that I can become my own power source. Self-sovereign. And completely comfortable that the responsibility for the way my life will touch all of life is effortless….
Anna says
Marta what a luminous beauty-full being you are… majestically living what is. So well done my dearest sister. <3 !
Anna says
When in alignment … it is beyond the idea/concept of magic… you become a butterfly catching the wind der your wings… slightly steering the direction with your heart’s song, to the next adventure awaiting your pesence…you are the miracle. <3!
Anna says
“under your wings” 🙂 xx
Dhani says
Beautiful Anna. 😀
Dhani says
This is soooo amazinggggg! Thank you Almine!