In the last week on I Am Presence, Almine shared the 7 Principles of the Unfolding Journey and some comments about these 7 principles to take the understanding deeper. Today we want to share with you the first one of these principles.
Principle 1
All of life is your temple. If there is something you find unholy, there is something of yourself that you reject.
Comments on Principle 1
The ‘Temple of Life’ consists of seven fields of perception: seven parallel realities or dimensions. The subtle information received from these realities downloads into the bloodstream from the chakras, each chakra relating to a specific corresponding field. The highest evolution that can be achieved in consciousness would be to access and live from all seven levels at once. The collective fields are known either as the Temple of Life or the
Field of Hope.
The Field of Hope is a multidimensional stage upon which an individual can express. When the judgment of good and bad is present however, membranes between the seven fields of perception become impenetrable matrices rather than clear membranes. The membranes are formed by suppressing a specific perception. When you remember the perception and apply it, the membrane disappears. The seven perceptions of the River of Life are the perceptions that when applied and understood, will replace the dividing membranes, and unify the chakra field.
Other Information
Deep stuff going on, on I Am Presence. Recent posts there had titles like:
- Blood Moon And The Four Horsemen
- Drawing a Sigil (Through the Eyes of the Seer)
- Healing of the Mirrors of Body, Soul and Spirit
We highly recommend that you take a look for yourself, by taking the free 7 day trial (find it by scrolling down on the page here).
Other great information that you will be happy to hear is that we are starting to roll out Almine’s retreat schedule for 2015. It isn’t complete yet, but you can already take a look at the retreats page to see if she is coming to a place near you in the upcoming year.
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