We had such a wonderful retreat in Copenhagen recently, with amazing insights and deeply transformational work being done. A one hour video recording was made, where Almine discusses the impossibility of living in Oneness but also being in relationship, the shame and grieve we feel over being trapped in the illusion of seperateness and much more.
Here is your chance to get a glimpse into the retreat and catch up on the latest incredible insights. Enjoy!
Thank you immensely for recording this and posting it on Almine’s diary !
I have been waiting to hear this information as it so intimately speaks to me . It has been a much awaited puzzle piece I have needed for quite sometime.
Words cannot express my love, praise and gratitude to Almine and team Almine for making this available.
I hug you all !
Almine’s message is so moving and beautifully expressed!
I hear something different every time I listen to this video.
Thank you all for making it possible.
Thank you Almine for this exquisite, timely and free gift!
Thank you deeply to those who made this video possible to share with us all! Thank you Almine! I am filled with such praise, love and gratitude! I watched the video 5 times yesterday. It is so revealing and relevant to all of us. Blessings Always.
What à timing this event gives much perception and gratitude,keep on Walking in fluidity with the Infinite
What à precent in the form of à blessing
Thank you all ,
Thank you for posting this, at the 55.55-56 mark there is a wonderful invitational echo from Almine. With mouse vision it was caught and thrown it up in the air for eagle vision to explore.
It’s a whispering echo. Amzing! Thanks Avril for pointing this out 🙂
Thanks to the crew in Denmark for this video – and my deepest gratitude to Almine for being in this world and sharing the words from the Infinite… <3 <3 <3
Not ‘amzing’ – but amazing 😉
simply amazing! so real and true.. great reminder to who i am and who we all are..simply embodiments of the infinite!
Niels, the word is ” we chase the illusion of knowledge, perception, awareness..”.
Thanks Dhani! ~*~
Wow! This is such a powerful hour with Almine. It totally blew me away…..Many blessings to unfold from this I expect. Thanks to the Danish crew! Deepest Gratitude to Almine for these wonderful, many blessings!
Hi Niels,
When you get about to listening to the video will you comment to what you interpret Almine to say at the 28:35 mark … it goes like this:
“… to master this tool, where it is leading, and therefore we ? the illusion of knowledge, perception, awareness
I can’t make out the word she uses .. erase? trace? .. Thanks!
Well, it looks like I have a lovely weekend coming up with this video. Thank you Almine and the crew in Denmark. Superb!
Team Almine