The following is a direct message from Almine to her global Lightfamily:
I want to thank you for the healing and many prayers I have received from you in loving support during the months gone by and also would like to give you a bit of an update.
After two surgeries and multiple medical procedures, I have a voice… And even though the specialists say they cannot predict if it will stay, and that I shouldn’t speak for more than a few hours a day, after six months of silence my gratitude for its restoration is immense. The last part of this year will have to see a similar effort in order to try and restore my hearing and I ask for your positive thoughts and support.
I’m walking by myself for short times in my day…. And am hoping my balance will be restored. I am finally breathing and eating on my own and the tubes have been removed from my throat. I am grateful for all the miraculous healings that have taken place.
I love you,
Note from Jan, Rogier and Sergey: We want to thank those of you who have sent monetary gifts. Please be aware that 100% of your donations have gone to support Almine directly during this time when she is unable to earn income.
Dearest Almine, my love surrounds you and I hope life finds you well! It is such an honor for me to have come across your teachings I feel very blessed to know of you and to be able to follow your works and words of wisdom! Love and Blessings Sister! ♥
Hope you are well and safe and happy…. Thinking of you <3 xx
I had no idea about any of the particulars of your illness. Having just read them, it broke my heart. Please know that you helped with that in this life. Heart wide open. Sending all my love to you — brave woman. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
tears falling down….tears of joy. Your joy is as much as mine, am grateful indeed, I knew it will be… I have been there
thanks source
Dearest Almine,
There have been moments when my heart has been saddened from hearing all that you are going through..and then moments of joy from hearing of your recovery. I hope for a speedier recovery for you and look forward to your return, as so many of us do. In the meantime, I will hear you speak through the runes in my being.
Eternally you are in my heart..
With much love and joyous anticipation,
Dear Almine,
I was introduced to you by my daughter, expressing what she’s learning from you. At first I didn’t understand your teachings but then I met you at Clairese’s house. When you hugged me and said, “Dear One”, I felt who you really were. Next we went to the Qi Gong event with you and I saw how all your loved ones cried to be near you and I saw a pure love exchange of true followers. Since then I have been doing Belvaspata and have been initiated into levels I & II, and am now studying the runes. At one time I had a dream that I joined you in the underworld. I don’t remember what I was doing there with you but the next day I woke up feeling wonderful from just being there with you. Still not knowing what I did there, I feel your love just being with me, as a peaceful loving embrace. Like all of us, from shock to recovery with you, is like one big voice and the love from all of us to you and from you. It’s time for a complete healing and I hope to see you again and hear your loving voice of beauty. I have your music from your cd you made with Sergey of the piano music and it fills my heart with much joy. Even great is the beautiful voice that you have and it isn’t lost, it’s just sick for awhile. Along with all your family of love, and for all your healings and blessings, I surrender my soul and heart to learn all your teachings.
Much love,
Sandra (Tina’s mom)
Newport, Oregon
Dearest Almine,
May the grace of the infinite one bless you and your daughter on your journey.
There is only LOVE.
Let this perfect love that is in your heart heal all that needs healing. Let this sound of love open your hearing once again and let you soar.
Love in so many ways, love throughout your days.
Dearest Almine:
I am elated that you are on the road to recovery. You are in my heart always. I have kept sending love to the Ascended Masters to transmit to you as you needed it.
I will continue to send love from the 3-fold flame of my heart to your heart, dearest, and I envision your full recovery soon.
Love and light
Muna Hakim
Almine ,
How exciting to hear from you with this glorious news! What a healing journey that you have been on! We all love you so much and send daily prayers to you!! You are making great progress! Xo b
So happy you are getting better. I have thought of you so many times these last few months and wondered how you were doing. I love and miss you!
Dear Almine,
As we first met in my dream, while you where still in the deepest down, I respected your request. And now I will fulfill the results for you, in order to assist in your definitive recovery. All the love and life energy I have saved up, is for you!
My unconditional love, care and understanding,
Seva Ram Singh
Dear Almine,
I am so moved by your message.
So Happy with your progress.
Love praise and gratitude to you
Beloved Almine, I’m so happy that your precious voice is back. A big step towards full recovery.
I love you.
The Angelics that for me you so lovingly and beautifully represent
will heal and restore your beautiful voice so you can continue to sing
their Divine messages and shine your light ever brightly….blessings
and gratitude for all that you are and all that you give.
dearest Almine! How wonderful news – I pray, that you will soon be “back with us” again! You are such a big inspiration to me and through you, your lessons and words I find strength and courage and most of all: hope! Love, praise and gratitude to you, beautiful Ligth Being!
Our dearest Almine,
It’s wonderful news that you are getting better and better.There is no doubt
that you’ll be completely fine soon.You are a special person on our planet
and all your followers’ faith and prayers will always support and appreciate
you.Take care.Plenty of thanks to you and your team.
God Bless You,
I just love listening to your voice Almine (and of course what you have to teach us) so it was wonderful to hear that you are now able to speak again. We are all thinking of you and sending our love and blessings while you journey back to abundant health. xx
with YOU, for YOU, as YOU, because of you
I hear
we hear for you, with you, because of you
our ears are your ears
our hearing is your hearing
it is safe for us to hear again
it is safe for us to listen again
all is well and good in our world
we hear with ease, grace and benevolence
there is beauty, love and grace to hear again
we hear with beauty, love and grace
we allow ourselves to hear with love
we allow ourselves to hear again
we choose to hear again
we hear you!
we hear with you
we hear for you
because of YOU we hear
it is safe to hear again
our left and right brain hemispheres are balanced
our pineal glands and pituitary glands are restored to their ideal and perfect state of health and well being in a most divine way
our original divine blueprint is now restored with grace and love and in a most divine way
all is well and good in our world again
all is balanced again
we are blessed
OH how lovely and one-derful it is to hear again!
thank you
i love you
i bless you
i honor you
i appreciate you
i love you!
love, Lori
the body restores itself now
the ears and hearing restores itself now
thanks for this blessing. I think yours heals all.
It is such a blessing to hear that you are well. May you be blessed, May love and gratitude and peace fill your being.
Dear Beloved Almine the courage and love in your being is such an incredible example to so many. Many are using the tools brought forth through you for you. The other day I asked you and the many who are going through similar situation to forgive me and that I am sorry for any time I may have used my thoughts and words in a less than loving way and send love and gratitude to you all. We must in each moment appreciate our human embodiment. Being consciously aware in every moment the best we can of the richness of life. Also that as we go through our life experiences each one holds a gift. Also in that moment of forgiveness such love flowed and a beautiful multidimensional gift of light in a geometric form was given you and it radiated as you received it in your hands. Blessings to all. I am so happy to receive this update as are so many. Thanks for the loving care your family and spiritual family, medical family and the sentient being of this earth and beyond and our Infinite Mother, Father and Great Mystery give in your care. Chemp pah tow oh . Peace Blessing and Love upon you. xo
I wish you well in your recovery – it will take time but you will get there – I wish for you a miracle recovery.
Be well,
Dear Almine, your process of recovery shows what the intention of love reveals .
Dear Almine.
so happy to hear, your on the road to recovery. May you be blessed with FULL health again. Sending “Healing” to you.
thank you for everything…
Gratitude for you Jan, Rogier and Sergey, for keeping everything going at this time.
All my love Lyn xox
Blessings be to you Almine
It is heartwarming to hear how you are progressing.
Much love and healing is being sent your way especially for hearing to be restored. I see you walking unassisted in the near future.
You continue to lead the leaders with such beauty, grace and mastery. Thank you for all your hard work, contributions and gifts that you have shared with us all. I am so grateful!!
I love you as part of me always !
Yeayyyyy Almine!
Many Heartfelt Prayers going up and out for you dear Sistar…xxx
Dear Almine,
Much love and blazing violet light to you! Know that you are so loved and appreciated for your divine service. Envisioning you fully healed in joy and peace.
What happy news, Almine! I always knew that we would be hearing from you again. I have been watching for this kind of news. Thank you for sharing your progress with us, beloved Almine!
In love, praise, gratitude, and surrendered trust,
So happy to hear you are healing, thank you teacher for all you do, I honor you and send loving support to you, your family and team…I look forward to your full recovery…miracles abound! ^i^
Fantastic. I have been waiting this great moment for so long. This is the biggest step to the recovery. So Almine, I keep supporting with my prayers and positive thoughts.
I love you!
I am very happy to hear such wonderful news Almine !!! I knew you will be ok…So, be strong like always you are…and we love you very much ….
I wuold like to say THANK YOU for who caring and support Almine all this time….
I am so touched and happy, and feel so much love – which I am sending all over to you!
Given that I am not even one of your “real” students, discovered you on YouTube only 7-8 months ago, and was so much more attracted for some unexplainable subtle reasons compared to many other teachers and mind masters I have been exploring for many years, I cannot explain what that special attraction is, causing so much interest and compassion in me. I was tracking all your healing steps, monitoring Almine-news etc. I am so looking forward to your full recovery, so that when you’ll be on some stage again somewhere in the world soon, I will do my best to get there and meet you in person.
Btw. today is my birthday, and I started my day early in the morning happy and in gratitude – and guess what, the FIRST thing was firing up 3 of your Sound Elixir’s to start that significant day for me. It was Luminous And Beautiful, Beauty Am I and Klavinik! My 3 favorite upbeat energy boosters, I deliberately started my birhday with. AND HOW INFINITELY BEAUTIFUL to hear from you personally TODAY that you are improving health rapidly now. THIS is my gift today. And I am amplifying what I feel and sending you love, joy, happiness, healing powers in return.
That you were attacked is testament to you stating the power that we all possess, that we can all manifest in our sovereignty. That which the source has put into us, parts of source itself, cannot be taken away.
Your journey is deep and wide, I offer gratitude for what you give, what happened to you feels part of that gift.
I’m in awe – LPGST ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is my first time verbally reaching out since I initially heard about Almine’s health; although I have been sending out healing thoughts and vibrations ever since. It’s wonderful to hear the news of Almine’s continued recovery process. And I just want to give a shout out to the entire Almine team that has been keeping everything going. I know you are all elated as well.
Much Love to You All!
dear Almine-
thank you for sharing with us about your journey back to health.
my heart goes out to you for all the suffering you endured.
wishing you a full recovery and may your journey from here on only
become easier. my prayers, thoughts and good wishes, along with
gratefulness, are with you.
blessings, blessings, blessings to you and your staff.
All my love to you Almine beyond words
Beautiful Love and Light Being,
You are like a newborn stronger and lighter than ever!. I wish you an easy full recovery. Love an Gratitude Almine. Noelle
I am very glad about your recovery and wish you all the best. Our love is with you dear Almine forever! Best wishes! :*
as a mystic and spirituel person you are not exempt from the hardships in life,but i rejoice this monent where you are better again.
Beloved Almine,Violet ray of healing light is with you.Peace be with you.
My heart swells with Joy and Gratitude upon reading these words!!!
Indeed the prayers and positive thoughts and wishes will continue for the return of your hearing, dear, Almine.
You are loved and appreciated beyond measure.
Have an amazing miraculous day!
With Luminous Love,
I love you Almine. I am very grateful for the progress in your recovery.
Its wonderful to hear from you Almine
To hear that you are improving like you are is such wonderful news.
Much Love and Light to you.
And Thank You for being YOU.
Dearest Almine,
You brought purpose into my life. I listen to your beautiful music and voice everyday. I am so happy to hear that you are physically doing much better. Your light family is with you every step of the way and we rejoice in your healing. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. May the infinite always protect you.
Love, Misha
Thank you to all who have posted their comments here and for your ongoing love and support for Almine, her family and her team. Almine sends her love to each of you.
In this day out of time, i see you in perfect health in sovereignty of expression. A delightful array of support around you faceted from the abundant gifts that you have us. It is buoyant, joyful, filled with love. No words can express my gratitude to you, for all that you are and have willing brought forth for us with every fiber of your being, that together we may sing the Infinite’s Intent as a lush chorus in never ending praise, love, gratitude and trust.
Thank you for letting us know of your progress. I am so very happy to hear that you are getting stronger physically. Love and Blessings from my heart to you.
My Dearest Almine,
As always, you are so amazing!
Much love, great praise, and oh, the gratitude for your being.
I hold you in my heart,
May healing light be upon you!
Dear Almine, I found a site that can help you with your voice. A soprano who had some operations to her vocal cords was talking today about this voice coach in a tv-show. She said that this voice coach is the one who gave her the chance to retrain her brain and her voice to go back on the stage. I was thinking of you Almine and I checked online. I hope it helps you.!voice-building
Love Gabriela
it’s such a gift to read this message from Almine, it felt so different from last December, and inspiration was missing greatly! The Light is beaming through the clouds and I’m grateful beyond words for your presence in my life, Almine!!!!
Beautiful Almine
I hold you in my heart and pray for your health and happiness. You have given so much to your light family and to all of life. I pray that blessings and rejuvenation flow through your being.; that you are able to walk, hear and speak. In your silence we have all been connected to you and feeling you. You have my love and gratitude eternally for the gift of your presence in my life.
I listen to your music often and think of you every day. Praying for your continued recovery and the miracles that happen around you every day! Your my inspiration. I hope to be able to give back to you very soon! Much joy to you Almine! Sincerely Nita.
Almine , My heart is saddened that you took on so much for humanity and mothers children ,
Yet I trust the perfection ….
I feel utter relief for you that things are and will continue to improve
I am holding your hand every step of the way even though you may not see me , I am and your heart as my heart will carry you always Eternally with Divine intent
My love always
Beloved Almine,
My heart rejoices to hear of your healing.. Bless you for all you have endured and blessings to your miraculous healing that has occurred and yet to come….
I have nothing but faith in the filed of hope surrounding you that all will be restored to you and more..
Dearest one, all my love , faith and gratitude to your progress and well being..
Thank you again to all who have given to Almine in every way possible.
Bless you all…
so much heartfelt joy in this news. Beautiful Almine. So grateful for your voice. Feel guided to work on the ‘balance’ thing with you. Much love.
Beloved Almine, thank you for sharing this good news with us. I send all my love to you. Gentle hug. xxx
My dear Almine,I prayed the Infinite Mother every day and night to speed your recovery and give your awesome voice back.I am so grateful for this news.You are a wonder! ,All my love to you!LPGTxxxx
thank you Almine, for being here now. you have been here in my world since i met you in 1997, and you have always been exactly the same through your infinite transformations xo
Holding you in my heart dear Almine. May the miracles of recovery continue in full bloom. 🙂
Dear Almine – there is no day, where I do not mention your name, quote your expressions of wisdom . So much you have given, opened doors to see and feel what is. You haven taken upon yourself great suffering to help mankind. Your true friends you now know and all keep praying you will be again as before and more. There is now doubt. The holy Mother is with you.
Best wishes on your recovery! I have your Book of Spells and I love it so much 🙂
So so so joyful & grateful to hear from you and to know that you are progressing well. May you continue to heal and regenerate effortlessly and harmoniously to ever expanding ways!! Sending you endless waves of love & wellness
This is truly great news! I love and miss you and your wonderful presence. Many things are changing in this cycle, old stuff falling away, clearing out for what ever is coming next.
Please do continue to rest, relax and heal. As you have given so much, there is much fro you to receive. We are all here for you.
Love and light always.
Thank you Almine for sharing this great news. I am so happy that you are recovering. Prayers and blessings to you. Om Sat Chit Ananda!
much Grace and Love,
Dear Almine,
so happy to hear your voice is back….my heartfelt blessings for you and your beloved ones…..trusting in the best outcome….all the love
My dear Sister what a joy you are. Even in your current state the blessing that you are has not diminished in the least. Your luster and beauty continues to shine strong. May it ever be so for you!
Praise the infinite! Heavens open up! Angels shout for joy! The earth is once again graced with the voice of Almine. How wondrous this news. What joy it brings to my heart. May the strength of your voice and the soundness of your words be ever much increased from this point on.
My continued prayers go out to you for your continued healing…
… May you hear the sounds of life again with renewed wonder! May your voice shout with Joy! May you leap with abandon and grace in your step. And may all that which was lost be restored a hundred fold.
Immaculate, Majesty, Wonder, Grace, Beauty, and Peace be to you Almine! – And especially Healing!
The infinite hold you in tender, loving, grace. I love you.
Oh so beautiful…thank you Infinite One for the miracles and power of love…you are always cradled in my heart Almine…may your beautiful body and voice be resurrected to its fullness. You bring us deep joy and peace in knowing you are here. Thank you Jan, Rogier and Sergey, you are so very loved and appreciated.
I find it hard to articulate my love and gratitude for you Almine. Your strength and determination is beyond inspiring. May you rise rise rise like the Thunderbird love!!!.