Once I got started I had pages of research, with many background notes for my own use. I found this exercise so valuable! And reading others entries have so enlarged my understanding. What a super idea this ‘contest’ is! ~ Barbara Kathryn
Winner Month 1
It is time to announce the winner of month 1 of Almine’s Caribbean Treasure Hunt. For this first month enthusiastic people could enter the 3 treasures they found in Almine’s material, that dovetailed nicely with:
Assuming another’s viewpoint
Each individuation has another viewpoint
A unique perspective of unfolding life
Have you a question you would ask?
Ask then, and wait to perceive
Become the wind or the water
Feel it run through your being
Experience being a raging storm
Or the cool depths of a mountain pool
Have no thought for the question you asked
Just be another and then resume your form
In the stillness of your being the answer now awaits
Source: Almine’s online course Beyond Mortality, day 5: 2nd of 4 ways to communicate that eliminate the illusions of words.
And, after putting all the names of all entries on pieces of paper in an authentic top hat and randomly picking, the winner is:
Ailsa from South Africa! Congratulations Ailsa. You’ll go on to the finals where from your entry and two others a final winner of the cruise with Almine will be picked!
You can read Ailsa’s entry here.
For all those who entered, your name stays in my top hat. Enter again this month and your name will be in there twice! Also, if you haven’t seen yet, not too many people entered the first month, so it is definitely worth your while to enter and have some fun with us.
Assignment Month 2
Here is the assignment for month 2. Find something within Almine’s materials that dovetails nicely with the following:
Presenting yourself as less than who you really are, in order to gain the acceptance of others, keeps both you and them on the treadmill of mediocrity.
Find out more about the treasure hunt here.
Enter your own bid here.
See the grand prize here.
Read other people’s treasures and get inspired here.
Excited? We sure are! But it can be that something is unclear and you want some answers before you enter your bid. Drop us a line and we’ll try to answer your question as soon as we can. Contact Niels: niels@almine.net Extra tip: Be sure to read all the entries by others. It already gives great examples on how to enter and where to find things. Also, read the rules and regulations here.
Congratulations Alisa! Yours is the magical hare who popped out of the magicians top hat and is leaping in dreams across the seven seas ;-D
Congratulations to our winners!
I can vouch for the authenticity of Niels’ top hat having seen it on his head at a retreat in Belgium.