An etheric scroll captured on film! It is always so much fun when this happens! This is what Almine had to say about it:
“Regarding this photo, the camera could see something passing between our hands that was not visible to the eye, but it was being passed from Noor to me. There is a hidden palace in Iran I have been aware of since 2006. I have hardly explored its etheric secrets, but spoke to the guardians to persuade them that I had the right to enter there in 2006. It holds secrets of specific points in the planet and prophecies about the time its information will be accessed. This will occur during the men’s retreat, right after I start opening two libraries the Cree people have been custodians of in Canada. There are glyphs on those pages I am being handed that are the first of 144 pages that need to be read in order for the palace to open its secrets.” ~ Almine
Read Noor’s comments about this experience on, here. This photo was taken by Sujata.
Almine has announced that the topic of this retreat Shamanic Men’s retreat is “Secrets of the Earth and Its Races”…

There is definitely something in the orb.I was showing the picture to a friend and she felt there was a number 5 at the top inside the orb along with whatever else is inside it.
Dear Almine, the capturing of the scroll on photo is amazing, could you elaborate on the large orb that is behind Noor also, when zoomed in it seems to me that there are 2 beings within it, I believe this to be connected. Thank you , my love always Linda
Dear Linda, welcome to the diary of Almine.
Unfortunately Almine does not answer questions here, but if you are interested, I can forward you to her inter dimensional photo’s website:
Perhaps you can find some answers there.
Team Almine