First 10 Angels & Mantras for the Cosmic Year (Feb. 8, 2016 – Jan. 27, 2017)
Question: Do the Timemap’s Daily Power Wheels have angels?
Almine’s answer:
There are 355 power wheels for the days… There are 355 angels for the power wheels and for helping to infuse the mantra (or aphorism) into your day. Call on them as you make the daily stack. The angel with the number that matches the number of your personal Timemap and mantra, can be called throughout the year to help you live it.
See also: Angels & Mantras
On February 8→ The Art of Mastering Timemaps (International webinar)
Thank you! 😀
Thank you, Almine!
It’s great to have a companion by your side while surfing through the eternal renewed and refreshed currents of the Infinite.
I received the first 100 Power wheels, am thinking more will arrive as they are received. My # is 112 so happy to think it will be in this next set. Thank you Almine, a huge gift to all of us, your love, energy and wisdom…Cheryl
It will be so helpful to be able to call on ‘our own’ Angel God all year long. Just wondering though, will the rest be coming soon, with their wheels? Because many of us have cosmic numbers beyond 200! So if the second and third sets of wheels and angels are only brought out every 3 months, there would be precious little of the year left when I could begin to use mine.
Yes, yes, yes!!! I adore our angel-gods, so happy they will be assisting. Thank you Almine 😀
Thank You Almine !!! Love you!!