~ A Shared Insight From The Seer ~
I have recently shared a message with my Lightfamily about the purpose of duality and how we need to look at it as a tool that enables individuated life to take place.
I would now like to share with you another perspective to cultivate in regards to memory; why the loss of memory is the loss of evolution.
I have often wondered why past populations and civilizations have such a strong insistence that they be remembered by subsequent generations yet to come. Then the answer was finally revealed to me this morning:
What we wipe from our memory, creates a karmic repercussion that keeps us on a non-productive treadmill of repetition. Never progressing nor learning.
On the other hand, negative and painful memories become burdens that hamper our effortless evolution and enlightenment in the future (there are a lot of painful memories associated with the demise of races and civilizations). Why then is there such an insistence that we remember the races of the past?
What we remember about the past, repeats itself. If we have painful memories, the painful circumstances repeat themselves. This is also the case with what memories we repress.
But if we think of the inspiring, joy-producing memories of the past, they manifest themselves again as well. Any civilization has achievements that are praiseworthy. If these are remembered, they are reproduced and we can build on them; they can help us achieve even more by drawing on the knowledge and achievements of the past — life can evolve. To have no memories of past civilizations, or the past experiences of our own lives, means that these experiences have been in vain; as though they never existed. They are lost to us as a growth-promoting resource.
To be able to gain from happy and fulfilling past memories, we have to look for the good in them; for the little victories and adventures, we’ve had along the way. If a negative memory looms, immediately find something that it gave as a gift, or change your focus to a happy memory. But never wish it away. Your memories are a treasure trove of glad expectations to come; of happy memories waiting to be repeated.
This is why keeping a journal with positive memories and inspirations is a helpful tool. It assists with deep meaningful living through appreciative awareness.
Let us challenge ourselves to make one fulfilling memory that we’d like to repeat, each day.
*Note: This post was previously shared on the Original One’s website, however, it also pertains to a power sigil that was shared in the past on the Diary – the Power Sigil Of New Beginnings. This post is a good reminder to help us through hardship.
Intetesting and helpful
Thank you ❤️
In an instant, the lightheartedness is found like a gem in the moment.
Thank You Tina. This post reminds of a previous post regarding the Mach weapon that certain aliens use in Humanity’s history to wipe out their memories and implant new memories in order to control humanity
Thank you, Almine! Very helpful!
This reminds me of an Inner child workshop I did. Apparently there is scientific evidence that we can rewrite our traumas which to our brain will seem like a completely story/imprint. I was guided to parts of my life that I had repressed traumas, then I journaled a different outcome. The experience was quite powerful for me and this definitely syncs up to what Almine is saying. It is so powerful to think positive memories. Thinking anything is essentially opening a portal. Thinking the bad memories will just open back up the portal. The fight or flight response in the body does not know time has past.
Any updates on when the ceremony to remove repressed matrices will be announced?
Deepest Gratitude for this insight Almine, and to Tina for posting it 💖