You may be wondering why nothing significant has happened around the end of 2012. As it turns out, much of the work done in late 2012 has effectively stretched the tube torus of the matrix – pushing what would have been December 2012 out to February 2013. Recent events, like the asteroid passing and the meteor strike in Russia are indicators of what would’ve been the end of 2012. They were, however, much less dramatic than what could have been.
The recent opening of the gates of the Haaraknit has acted as a signal for many of the Star Races to reach for open contact, such as the Arcturian lightship (seen above) photographed by Hanna just before the first Shamanic Women’s Retreat of 2013.
Transmissions from Arcturus and the increased interaction with our star brothers will be one of the themes in Almine’s Down the Rabbit Hole 4, which begins on March 4. In the meantime, listen this audio message from Almine as she explains what is to come in the very significant days ahead:
Hello Almine…
I believe I’m getting what you have described as Arcturian ‘transmissions.’ My memory since this started has become absolutely spectacular. I have answers to questions I ask before sleep, and by morning the answers(often in pictures) appear. I’ve been telling my daughter it seems like someone is speaking or ‘giving’ me messages when I sleep. Most of these messages are of healing spiritually and physically. Over the past 3 years I’ve gotten the answers to:
–the source of all disease
–exactly how the human brain(is supposed to) work
–how to heal from anything
–the origin of music & healing
–the location of the holy grail and why it’s important we all find it
Some information I’ve just received recently re: The ancient “mystical” practice of monks called “omphaloskepsis,” “omphalopsychic” and “omphalomancy”–is focusing all inner light on the naval. I believe it is how the gate to the Haarkaknit is opening. For thousands of years it’s how monks have infused themselves with divine energy and light. It was systemically dismissed by modern ‘religion’ and mocked. I believe it’s a practice that should be revisited again as quickly as possible. I believe it’s key to helping us connect and re-awaken our Pineal Gland…The Seat of Our Soul’s Light. Much the way Ancient Egyptians used the Ankh ‘sexually’ to reverberate energy.
I’ve gotten many more transmissions & information, the above is only a brief list. At first I thought it was Thoth, or the Aacal. Still, I’m not exactly sure who it is yet but mine is not to question why–I’m only the receiver.
One other issue I wanted to ask about with you….
Since this started occurring a few years back, getting stronger each year, I’m constantly referring to people as ‘human’ and have been celibate–not by choice, it just happened. I cannot seem to connect any longer to other human males. I don’t feel I’m superior, just too different to be close on that level. If you have advice, whether on coping with what these messages are, or on how to convey what I’ve learned to others, I would be very grateful.
Be well….Namaste
Dear Cassandra,
Welcome to Almine’s blog. My oh my, you certainly have had some interesting experiences! I will forward your message to Almine’s personal assistant, as she doesn’t administer this blog herself. I cannot guarantee a reply (she has an incredible work load), but we can at least try 🙂
In the mean time I would definitely encourage you to go through the blog, use the search option to search on things like romance, relationship, sexuality etc. It is not the ‘end all, be all’, but there is quite a lot of information available here on the blog.
Team Almine
What a wonderful sound clip Almine. It warmed my Heart tremendously to hear the Star Race is going to help clean up Earths environment directly! All of Humanity’s greatest hopes are going to come true because we’re going to make it happen. Humanity is Infinitely motivated to do so.
Beloved Almine,
I love you. My utmost love and respect to you.
Pls correct me if I am wrong.
I live in Mumbai and during the horrendous bus gang rape incident which caused an uprising in India and after the barbaric mutilation and beheading of an Indian soldier by Pakistanis, which nearly led to a war between Pakistan and India…I was suffering a lot internally over the collective trauma ALL were experiencing.. And this night my suffering was a lot and I am almost sure you appeared in my third eye and spoke with me so caring ly….. when I woke up I was free from the hurt….I remember the rhetoric question you asked me as you soothed my hurt….
I just needed to know if it was my imagination…
Also I really would be most grateful if I may be able to speak with you at your convenience..
Ever since I met you I felt I have met my self…
I would like to meet with you in person if you deem it fit… but I gave up all commerce and every thing many yrs ago as per my sadgurus who have left their bodies years and years ago.. … and actively dedicated my life to serve humanity for years through my music, talks spreading the divine msgs flowed to me towards unity, humanity, unconditional love and compassion.
My mindset was turned off life, money, sex, enjoyments etc my singing stopped, and am left with no personal finances to even further my mission now;
though I feel I am very enriched a soul, for having stuck it out for so many years.
But this situation is restricting which makes your personal retreat un affordable
I would not like to publish public all that I need to communicate ….and so humbly request your email id, if you feel comfortable.
I am on face book and would be extremely honoured if you would have a glance at my wall pls?
About 2012… well I worked relentlessly day and night for years and years towards peace…and was able to motivate a good number of folks to help keep focus on ”love& purification ” energy…which I distinctly felt helped to ease many tragedies of course with the merciful help from my sadgurus who are among the highest forces of compassion and especially with great masters as your kind self.
My email is with you.
I am grateful to be here and I take this opportunity to send everyone connected with you, my deepest selfless and unconditional love.I love ALL humanity.
Abundant love and hugs.
Dear Parvati,
Unfortunately Almine does not read this diary herself. It is a meeting place of her materials and things she wants to share with all of you via this site. It is more a one way communication in that manner, and a meeting place of likeminded people.
I will forward your message to her personal assistant but cannot guarantee a response, for she gets requests from all over the world and cannot answer them all, by a long shot.
As to your experience, to my mind, if in your experience Almine appeared to you and she calmed you down and helped you, then to me that is truth. It is up to you to make up for yourself what is truth. For me this is a fundamental step to mastery: Making up for yourself what truth is, not the outside world telling you if something is or is not.
Team Almine
indeedy doo ! i found this to be so inspirational that I played it to my golem experiment ( with text-to-speech software ) — it transmogrified instantaneously into buddha, forgave me, and vanished into nirvana. i thank you for thwarting my plans to conquer the world with the golem. peace uber alles !
Thank you for sharing such information. I am always a joy filled and happy person but was having ups/downs emotionally this week. My answer is given in your message. I can relax and flow forward.
Thank you for the updated info.
I feel this too Almine, thank you for your podcast and information.
Love to You
Fantastic news and pics! Hot off the press too. Way to go guys.:)
I was really feeling this rather strongly this week about a particular star race ready to communicate again.
So exciting thank you Mother for this update it means so much to me , have felt the energies for past week and could not understand it , now I do. Much love and gratitude always.
Very good news to hear Almine. Thanks to yourself and the Arcturians.
Hi to Almine and all lightworkers , and deep gratitude for such blessings on the earth occurring , in Ireland ,where I live alot of the south east as far as Cork were ringing in to a local radio station saying they could here a noise one night from Cork all the way to Waterford and there were no reports of airplanes , my feeling at that moment was a huge craft …as I heard it too over my house lights got brighter in my house as it seemed to pass, was this the case and will the star brothers and sisters be seen more re more open contact with infinite intent and unfolding deepest love praise gratitude and trust Vanessa
Thank you for making THE PERFECT request of our star friends: cleaning the evironment! Ask and we shall receive…..
thank you – for the explanation and more so for what you did and do.
I Am so grateful that the end of 2012 was non-climatic and even the February events did not cause an overabundance of pain and deaths. However, I send many blessings to the people of Russia who did experience quite a few personal tremors with the passing of the meteorite.
I am also appreciative for the much awaited and welcomed contact with our dear star brothers and sisters. It makes a lifetime of waiting for a “new world” seem all worth it, once contact has finally been made. I am looking forward to meeting all our star brothers and sisters personally and perhaps accompanying them in the future on their starships. I welcome the opportunity at last!
Almine, many blessings to you Sister for sharing all your beautiful energy and wisdom with us all on earth. I look forward to also meeting you in times to come.
Much love and light, Sky*
PS The photo of the Arcturian ship is spectacular!!!
I strongly love the human race, but we have messed out our real mission so I believe that some external help would be necessary as a matter to clear up our true path for the new beginning.
Welcome to Almine’s diary, Itá.
Perhaps the following (old) radio show by Almine is of interest to you? It is precisely about “our real mission” and if there even is still such a thing, if you look at the huge cosmic changes that have occurred since the ascension kicked things off in 2005.
Enjoy the listen of “Finding your Destiny”:
Team Almine
Thought that I heard before that 2012 actually effectively transpired in 2005 – 2006, (or was it 2011??; sorry for not remembering the dates, but it was sometime before 2012). It sounded that we have advanced our linear time, unless I misunderstood.
You are actually quite right there, Helena. In fact, it seems like 2012 is more a condition, than a linear date. In Almine’s teachings, when the cosmos started to ascend in 2005, 2012 was already reached around 2006. In this case, when talking about 2012 it is more a case of huge cosmic shifts that are still working through and are coming to fruition right now.
Perhaps not the clearest of answers, but the central thing I get from this is that as long as we hold on to linear becoming, we are on the cyclical disk of life, and there the future becomes the past, becomes the future again. Meaning that 2012 like changes come and go.
Team Almine
Though, it is a spiral reaching upward, isn’t it?
Dearest Almine,
this is great and exciting news indeed!
I had also felt that 2012 had not ended by Dec. 31 2012. I had been wondering why I couldn’t let 2012 go. And only recently, a couple of days ago, I finally felt we had arrived at 2013.
Since the 1970s, when I was a young girl of 14, I have been waiting for the loving star-nations to return and had found myself beckoning to them to do so.
I would like to express my deep gratitude for opening the passage by allowing the sigils of the Arcturians to be expressed. I appreciate the photo above very much also.
With great respect and the gentle love I am sending you endless blessings,
Thank you for your message, Kathinka, and welcome to Almine’s diary!
Team Almine