I live in a big city, but travel globally to other big cities on business. I’ve noticed people acting more and more irrationally. There’s such a crazy feeling among people — even in the way they’re driving. It feels like the city atmosphere scorches me.
I feel it too, even without going to a large city. Our little town is also acting crazy, but at first I attributed it to the cheap availability and legalization of marijuana. Driving has to be done defensively, never knowing how others will respond. When I was teaching time-traveling years ago to a group of students, we went back to Atlantis to the time before its last sinking. The feeling now is very similar to what I encountered there: crazy hedonistic living, drunkenness, drugs, and crime. The eyes of the people were empty and soulless and without compassion. The government at all levels was corrupt, and the weather was disrupted. So my question is, what was the root of the problem then, as it is now?
The cause of this drastic destructuring of minds, society, systems, family units — and the resulting fear and pain that people try to drown with addictions, can be found at the end of large cycles or stages of life. The very largest cycle; the tube torus movement of the combination of the three types of time found during the three large stages of life (ego-identification, godhood, and resurrection) is changing as the way-showers of life (you) are getting ready to evolve into the Immaculate White Light. This would pull all creatures into their respective next stage of evolution, rapidly destructuring the old.
To create large but graceful change, principles of structured change need to be implemented and lived to provide guided fluidity. The same principles that were missing in the cataclysmic change of Atlantis are not being accentuated in the lives of way-showers today. It’s time to take our superficial understanding of the 300 Atlantean Angels, to the next level. I will start upgrading and preparing that information today. It will be available by the time of the Moscow retreat, given by Rogier, in October, which will be available online as well.
Brett says
God I’m so thankful I’m not the only one feeling and experiencing this. Thanks for the insights as to why.
gabriele gaven says
I was delighted that those messages came from Almine>
People would need to hear this, however once some one speaks – or is not agreeing with certain
“modern” ideas now – anger stores up in people more often.
I am sure that some of us know that we heard it before and know what can and as Almine says
do take good care. Same case.
Love always
Ekaterina says
Joyous news! Thank you Almine!
Yuliya says
What about Lemurians Angels? And rest of
Wheels for Runes?🙏🐞😇
Marisa says
Thank you Dear Almine❤❤❤
HOlly says
Oh wonderful! The last time I worked with the Runes, as I ran the Wheel of the Atlantean Angels through my body – my ceremonial words were changed. I felt this need to stop the old words and allow a newness of expression of these wheels to birth within me. Joyous news.
Phoebe says
I look forward gladly with these updates, as well. Thank you so much for this information. LPGTS
Beatrice Rice says
Thank you Almine. I look fotward to the update.