3/26/18 Note: the nature of black light has changed and we’ve revised this post accordingly.
We are delighted to announce that Belvaspata for Healing Heart Disease (PDF download) is available now on our Belvaspata webstore! How blessed we are with the proliferation of Belvaspata specialty modalities that the Seer Almine has received and shared with us.
Life has progressed from moving through evolutionary stages of a Dream state to stages of Awakening. As life and creatures have awakened from the Dream, heart function abnormalities occur when a person holds onto attachments from the past Dream (called “black light and frequencies”). Black frequencies are felt as old, and now obsolete, emotions of the past…attachments to what it feels are injustices, or traumatic events. Or it could obsess about, yearn for, or regret the “loss of” the perfection of the past. When the heart has an agenda it imposes on life, such conditional living… pollutes and drains the energy of the moment, reducing the vitality necessary for the optimal functioning of the heart in the present…heart disease develops.
Note: Note: All levels of Belvaspata masters may use the sigils in this Belvaspata modality without any further initiations.
- NEW: 1st Edition, March 2018
PDF download 210 pages
Protocols for the Use of Belvaspata Specialty Modalities: Belvaspata for the Healing Heart Disease
QUESTION: Are Initiations required to use it?
ANSWER: The only initiations that are necessary are the initiations or self-initiations that regular Belvaspata masters undergo (for more details click here); there are 4 levels. As always it is requested that you credit Almine as the originator of this profound work designed to set man free from illusion. All details for the use of Belvaspata are included in Belvaspata Angel Healing Volume 1, 2 and 3 and each Belvaspata Specialty modality protocol.
Belvaspata is not intended to diagnose, or to constitute medical advice or treatment. All healing takes place within the self. Please follow all regulatory guidelines of your specific municipality in terms of assisting and working with others, even with their express consent. A physician or other healthcare professional should be consulted for any necessary medical attention.
Zen says
Thank you Almine 🙂
Ekaterina says
RJ Pirillo, it was also my first question when I saw the post 🙂
Thank you so much, Almine!
RJ Pirillo says
The second to the last line in the second paragraph, you said, “White light leaks into the past and white light into the present.” Did you mean to say, “and black light into the present”?
Thanks ,
Jan says
Thank you for your question (and one received via email). The beauty of the fluidity of “the moment” and the roots that we provide to the wings of Almine…All is perfection.
As the post now states, the quality of black light has changed and so our post now reflects those changes. Almine was glad for the opportunity to share this information with us!
PS The Intro for Belvaspata Healing for Heart Disease will be updated and the file resent to all who have already purchased it.
Lynette says
Thank you Almine!
Vanessa says
Incredible !!! Thankyou beloved Almine for all that you do ..