Great news, everyone! We are so excited to announce that Almine’s next book is about to be launched.
Night of the Angels
The book release is going to be during the free Night of the Angels event on December 31st, 2013.
It’s the Lemurian Science of Peace.
Behind the scenes we’ve been waiting on this little gem to come out for a long time – we even made a diary post about it back in 2011. In a few days time the Lemurian Science of Peace will finally be ready.
Here’s a little blurb from the back of the book to get you started:
“The depth and width of the information that has been translated from the Lemurian tablets and scrolls to produce the Science of Peace is breathtaking in its scope. Each specific set of records I have translated over the years (see for interdimensional photos of some of these records) has had its own dominant trait and a characteristic method of delivery. Some poured in at such a rate I could hardly write fast enough. Some came as glyphs, visible a few feet in front of my face. Others were downloading the glyphs at night, which were then repeating the language in audio form during the day.
The Science of Peace has had the specific quality of being very concise and articulate. They were written in one of the primary cosmic languages, not Lemurian. They are engraved in pale, pinkish, lightly polished stone tablets, with a set of two scrolls giving the information of the last part of the book.
The delivery of the information was accompanied by a steady pressure in my chest, indicating that the translation was time-sensitive; I was on a schedule. The advent of this profound and sacred material is accompanied by a destiny:
To bring peace on Earth.” ~ Almine
Lemurian Trilogy
The Lemurian Science of Peace is the second installment in the ‘Lemurian Science trilogy’. From that trilogy the Lemurian Science of Immortality is already available now and the Lemurian Science of Compassion is something we are still working on and will release at a future date.
Book Cover
We are adding the probable book cover in its ‘naked’ format to this post, just so you can take a look. We’re not quite sure yet if this will be the final cover, but this is the information we have at the time of this writing
Well, there you have it, the Lemurian Science of Peace is released during the Night of the Angels. We’re looking forward to this one. Happy holidays everyone!
so timely indeed – given the expectation of the ‘grid-lock’ Grand Cross energy of all traditional, adversarial systems for Jan14 and the solution only being thru’ ‘individual empowerment’ – which screams of Peace in our own Hearts to me! I can feel why Almine was under time pressure and cannot wait for the latest release. Gratitude, and Thank You Thank You Thank You…
I look forward to reading it! I meet you in Orlando at Qigong Seminar. You are the light!! Namaste