Episode 5 (Explorers of Consciousness)
Join us for the fifth episode of Explorers of Consciousness. Today, the Seer explains how to unlock nature within and resolve depression with the 288 Songs of the Earth.
Cutting-edge Mysticism
Episode 5 (Explorers of Consciousness)
Join us for the fifth episode of Explorers of Consciousness. Today, the Seer explains how to unlock nature within and resolve depression with the 288 Songs of the Earth.
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I dreamed of Beloved Almine last night teaching us en masse about a new existence of changed atomic structure, and what was yet to occur as part of this (with many insights I can’t remember cognitively now!). I woke up very briefly and experienced what she was explaining on a cellular level – incredibly exciting!! Then went back to sleep with overflowing delighted anticipation for what has already been given and what is still to come.
I’m so thankful for these rencodings. It takes me a few hours to transcribe all of it but so very much worth it to me because it allows for deeper feeling, understanding and study when I quietly sit and read it allowed
Thank you very much for this discussion. “Start with nature”~Almine.
The songs of the earth have been so much fun to work with. All the tools from Almine are profound but I’m finding these so delightful and also as she mentioned, very uplifting. Thank you Rogier and Almine for this!
Thank you Almine most helpful. 🙂
Very glad to recieve the explanation. of the songs of the earth.
Thank you very much Almine and also Rogier for the good questions.
As Almine explains step by step and feel them trough.
With deep respect.
Profund to say the least !! Eternally greatful Almine and Rogier
This is purely fantastic and totally synchronistic right now, Thank you so much Almine for this and to Rogier for posting. Deep gratitude. My heart feels lighter already. Need to listen to this many times so that I really remember to observe from a distance the pageantry of humanity.
Thank you so much Rogier for this and all you do!