A question that Almine received a couple of weeks ago…
I have been listening a lot to Drunvalo Melchizedek and what he has to say about whats coming to us beeings living on our beloved Mother Earth. I have been very sad and scared, because of his predictions about Mother Earths ascending and how we all are going to die physical in order to ascend with her.
One of my good friends told me that we ourselves can choose the reality we wish to see. And If I believe what Drunvalo is saying, then thats what I will experience. So if I wish to experience something more pleasant, that all I have to do is create it in my heart and mind. Will you please share your position on that subject?
Thank you,
With Love from Louise
Almine’s Answer:
My Beloved Sister,
I daily receive new information on this extraordinary journey of accessing the cutting edge of existence, unfolding throughout the cosmos. The new truths that are presented each day make a portion of my own work wrong on a daily basis. When the fresh dream of information and revelation is not present for lightworker teachers, their prophecies contain incorrect conclusions because they are obsolete.
Let me address your concerns:
- If everyone on Earth, as well as the Earth, were to die simultaneously, no one would know the difference. It has in fact happened on at least one occasion in the last few years that the Earth, humanity and cosmic life as a whole, passed through what one would call death and back again into life. Except for those working at this deep level, few were aware that it had ever happened.
- Cosmic life, which includes the Earth and her creatures, is in the process of becoming a resurrected being. This is the beneficial result of the changing of time that occurred in 2012. A resurrected being combines soul and body into one, which means that awareness no longer moves between life (body) and death (soul) after that.
- You are absolutely correct in that each of us is living in a different reality. Everything we see in our reality is experienced differently to how someone else sees everything in his or her reality. If enough lightworkers truly know that these cataclysmic prophecies given by so many lightworker teachers are preventable by changing ourselves within, then cataclysmic change does not have to become part of anyone’s reality.
Those of high consciousness are able to change the realities of others for the better. Therefor please be of good hope and cheer. Life is becoming more graceful in its change, and as I have stated continually through 2012, while others gave dire predictions, we are able to break out of cycles of cataclysmic change and evolve life to a whole new level of grace, of joy and peaceful transition.
With much love,
Brilliantly Beauty Full and DivineTiming Almine, much UnconditionalGratitudenAppreciationnRespect for your systematic GenerositynTruthfulnessnIntegritynService, with LovenLightnBlessings to you, from
PhillipTMorley OOO
So thankful for this lovely timely beautiful reminder that as we each experience challenges, no matter how yuk they appear at the time, that by remembering to be a grounding rod we can change not only the quality of our own experience & existence, but that of our cosmic family’s – many thanks to Louise & Almine xxxx
Thank you!
These days, I am experiencing my silent questions being answered daily on Almine’s diary blog. It`s just beautiful!
And recently I received the angel elixir, and it is heavenly, serene, indescribable oh my goodness. LPGT ahhhhhhhhhhh yeah! 😉
Thank you, Almine and A team!
Grace E. K
Glad to be of service, Grace 🙂
Emjoy your angel elixir,
Team Almine
What a beautiful, clear answer!
I so enjoy the effortless courage, humility, purity and deep love that tingles with joy within me, when Almine responds to any question regarding the eternal unknown…. to be able to put beautiful loving tones of hope and joy… to perhaps someone else’s mommentary concern…. in sharing through her own inner trust, that all is fine….. and way beyond words can ever express………or any One can feel…..thank you Louise for the question….. which allowed once again the profound beauty that IS Almine …..that is US… to shine it’s way through….gracefully… as always……..George