After last week’s “watch and learn”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of April 21 – April 27, 2013
Creative solutions for the tangled areas of your life will become apparent. Be aware of new possibilities. Long-standing tensions could effortlessly release. Be open to receiving and expect success in your endeavors. This is a good week to build something new.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of April 14 – April 20, 2013
The way you look at life will change this week. Others will begin to reveal their true intentions and your value-system will re-adjust itself. Approaching your environment with sensitivity is very important this week. Watch and learn – life will reveal itself to you.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
The weekly prediction is inspired by Almine’s Calendar of Oneness.
Dhani says
That’s too funny Marta. Not haha but hmm hmmm, makes me think, in a kind of good way. 😉 Yes, well my entanglements are in making a completely new life for myself that includes my family and allows me to blossom according to my highest potential. And a greater source of income. Hmmmmmm……
Marta says
The tones this week fit like a hand in a glove for last week’s and this week’s prediction.
Yesterday, the tone was the triumph of the pristine existence. Parts of my property look something like that picture.
Young does came and grazed in my yard as I worked yesterday, and they ate just what I was going to have to cut.
They, my dog, and I were all in the same area cooperatively. Finally, I told one of the does that I would have to go into the house soon. When that moment came they were gone.
The tangled areas of my life have to do with with building a new home and creating a different living arrangement with nature. The tensions come from the control systems imposed over nature.
Dhani says
Gosh, what a gift! LPGT!