Today we close off our series on recapitulation; a tool to gain the insights from the past, but also from our daily experiences. This information is found in Almine’s beautiful book A Life of Miracles, that is just filled with these kinds of tools. Also check out the earlier insights in posts 1, 2, 3 and 4.
When we last left you, we just shared step 6, which is the first attitude you use in recapitulation:
6. Can I allow?
This is the point of discerning what has to be allowed, what has to be changed, and finding the courage to act. Imagine yourself as the water in a river. If a rock is in front of you, are you going to stop or flow around the rock? We have masterfully created every situation in our life—even the rock—so can we just allow it to be there for this moment? Is this battle ours? A battle is only worth fighting if the stakes are worth having. If you have already learnt the lesson, no need to re-fight this battle.
And now the conclusion with the last 3 steps/attitudes:
7. Can I accept?
We cannot accept the painful things that happen to us unless we begin to see the perfection underlying the web of appearances. A common belief is that we were placed on the wheel of reincarnation, suffering lifetime after lifetime, until we have lived enough lives to become perfect.
The Infinite created us perfectly with the ability to be a creator. Thoughts plus feeling create activity. The heart is like a microphone so the stronger the emotions of our heart, the stronger the universe’s response to manifest our desires. But the universe doesn’t discriminate; it will manifest whatever we think—positive or negative. So it is important that we accept that we have co-created the situation, which removes any feelings of having things done “to” us.
8. Can I release?
To release is to let go of the energy surrounding the person or event. If we don’t release, we keep it alive by feeding it energy through thoughts (sometimes subconsciously).
If we are in conflict with our partner, even if he or she has violated us in some way, the best thing to do is to walk through these steps and gain the insights. Then release it by changing focus and placing it onto something positive. That individual is like a vampire sucking our energy until we cut the cord that binds us. Every time we think of that person, send him or her blessings and the cord will be severed.
9. Can I be grateful?
If we have gone through these nine steps and can feel true gratitude for the insights gained, it raises consciousness. Gratitude is one of the Three Ascension Attitudes and is the culminating step. If we reach genuine gratitude, it assists us in connecting with our higher lightbodies and turning hardships into ascension tools.
If we have completed the first eight steps and don’t feel gratitude, please go back and do them again.
When we look at the gifts, the mirrors, and the valuable lessons, we should be thankful for everything in our life. Even when the lessons are huge, such as being involved in a war, raped, or being an orphan, if we look at it from a higher perspective, it is a lesson or a gift. Even if we have suffered sexual abuse as a child, when we overcome it, we raise up the vibration of the earth because she has suffered the same. Also, when one of us overcomes, it is easier for the next person to do likewise.
O Wonderous Mind Reading Magician who appears magically on my computer screen at the right time! I am smiling so much at my laptop! Thank you for these! I read them & couldn’t help saying ‘YES YES YES’ outloud!
Like many of the light family I am familiar with some of those biggie challenges you mentioned & lately I know that things are coming back round on the disc to make sure I have moved through them fully & feel really grateful for the gems I found within the lessons …like finding a diamond in a dung heap, where the dung part eventually dissolves into the earth to provide enriching compost to help new growth & a brilliance of light emerges which was hidden in it all along, even though we couldn’t see it at first through the density of the dung!
I think of the discs like an old fashioned LP record that goes around & there are scratches or bits of fluff which make the needle stick at certain places, going round & round until we get royally fed up of the same bit repeating over & over & decide that it’s really getting on our pip & we decide to shift the needle past the scratch or flick off the fluff so that our song can be played out freely & fully.
I couldn’t quite seem to shift a few bits of fluff recently, despite trying all sorts of things… and then I read this post & a few sentences really stood out for me as if they were keys to unlock the parts which just need that extra little nudge to move the stuck needle or foof the fluff off.
I loved the analogy of the heart as a microphone! I understand the attracting part but had not pictured it like this & so that analogy & image just ‘clicked’ for me instantly & did things on levels I couldn’t even put into words to say through the microphone!
And the last part… ‘when we overcome it, we raise up the vibration of the earth because she has suffered the same’ oh my goodness… you know, I know I ‘know’ this but I think I needed it spelled out right in front of my eyes because it hadn’t quite filtered through fully until now.
I LOVE that when we really get that we don’t need to focus on fixing/changing/whatever else the people or situations that may have been involved in those challenging lessons… we just have to transmute the experiences for ourselves & for the benefit of our brothers & sisters & beloved earth, from heavy feeling lead to golden feeling expansive light… & everything changes… for me that is true alchemy.