Why do you feel that poetry is relevant at this particular time?
Almine’s Answer:
In the planetary evolutionary journey, there comes a point when a particular stage, or time period, has run its course. It is the equivalent of a rose that has fully flowered and is getting ready to shed its leaves. Life on Earth seems to lose its luster. A feeling of sad satiety settled over humanity, and a divine discontent creates a yearning for what lies beyond.
We are experiencing this stage of feeling over-saturated with information and overburdened by the task of thriving in a deteriorating society. There are two ways that we can be reminded of the preciousness of life: through catastrophe, or the much preferred way of changing perspective – to the poetic perspective.
See also: The Window of the Night and Through the Seer’s Eyes
Almine thank you so much for this and your poem. It gave sense to what I was going through. Last night I found myself crying but I didn’t know why. I just knew it was like I was shedding off layers of something from my body. It was like, as Jana explained, an overburdened child just letting her tears flow. Yet, you mentioned the rose in the poem and again in your explanation. And that made me smile, because I have always had an affinity with roses and very recently, in my dream I saw a beautiful red rose within me. Gaia is beautiful. We who love her may feel her pain to some degree, but she will always remind us of her beauty and love forever. Namaste!
I received today an amazing tool that resonates with what Almine is talking about.
The alchemical equation that came today is:
Being consumed + ability to uplift = Living from the wholeness and fullness. Infinite was talking about an overburdened child. Our inner child was overburdened by the tasks or emotions of the parents, who did not know how to deal with certain situations or tasks. The overburdened child temporarily lost the ability to uplift, as the heavy cloud of emotions filled the empty unexpressed areas of the inner child. When we walk our planetary evolutionary journey only focused on tasks we feel consumed. But I was also guided to see that our inner child has the ability to uplift, and new expression was born. When we properly utilize the old; by adding dissimilar component (which we can usually see trough praise attitude), new expression is born. Good analogy would be that; with each renewal of ourselves we also get the new shoes to walk the journey. We don’t need to bring the old shoes into a new journey. Because, as Almine said: “there comes a point or time period, that has run its course”, and by walking our new journey in the old shoes would not remind us enough about the renewed existence. How much it has changed. And as we walk in these new shoes, we are able to think on our feet, as a renewed Infinite expression, while we are walking into the next “task”. When life renews itself, we are also given the new power tools and our body’s electro-magnetism restores stability and integrity. Today’s power tool is to visualize after each alchemical equation; as if we are stepping into new shoe. In the case of today’s alchemical equation the emphasis would be on: “I walk the journey whole and full” and everywhere you step in these new shoes you bring the wholeness and fullness.
It has such a poetic feel to it; it feels like something zesty; like a zesty pumpkin. Happy Thanksgiving season.
Such a beautiful perspective Jana, thank you for sharing it. ๐
That makes sense to me. All of my life I have had a tendency to resolve mental/emotional depths through writing personal poetry. It feels like a sort of resolution, and allows me to let go and move on…blessings.
Thanks also for Devapriya’s poem and Kelly’s butterfly kisses ๐
may more poems be created —for mankind to be elated
Words, like droplets of dew,
run on the window glass –
sigils of restoration
of a forgotten joy.
The precious life sings again
in the eyes that see.
<3 xo ๐
Beautiful photo Almine my butterfly queen. I kiss you as my eyelashes flutter ; butterfly kisses.