Space has been the imaginary playground of the gods. To infuse your journey with play and lighthearted fun is your only instruction… Continue reading→
The Anchor League Winner For May
We are happy to announce that our Anchor League member YULIA BORODINA, from New York, is the winner of our Gift of Gratitude for the month of May. She will be winning a webinar of her choice. Congratulations and thank you for your dedication to helping restore balance to the Earth by living a life of… Continue reading→
Potential as an Inevitable Event That Already Exists
In a futile attempt to control the future by planning for it, humanity forsakes the moment in favor of trying to dictate the outcome of things to come… Continue reading→
A Valentine Reminder for Wholesome Living
Whether for yourself or someone else…we have received two small and two larger anchor pendants (sterling silver chain and anchor). These four have been blessed by the Seer… Continue reading→
News From the Anchor League
Joyfully announcing the winners of the Gifts of Gratitude for the month of February — a month in which we say we love you! Continue reading→
Creating a Sanctuary Amidst the Turmoil
Living a wholesome life is not just a good idea and a pleasant way of creating a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of the world around us… Continue reading→