The overarching theme of this month’s interview with the Seer is ‘the fences coming down’; the collapsing of the twelve illusions of duality we’ve maintained for aeons, which is also the disintegration of the psychic compartments of the god and goddess archetypes. Continue reading→
How to Function During Intense Spiritual Transitions
In this weekend’s interview with the Seer, I ask about functioning in daily life during times of intense evolutionary transition. Continue reading→
What Is This Crystal Pyramid?
In this audio message, the Seer shares her new understanding of our journey around the stages of the macrocosm, and a surprising revelation. Continue reading→
The Fall of Lucifer & His Hosts (When We Lost One Third of Our Lightfamily)
Since as Original Ones, they have no beginning and no end, is this “falling” of them going to happen over and over again? Continue reading→
Mankind Is Trapped in a Web of Addictions
Mankind has become trapped in a web of addictions of all kinds. The matrix that has trapped them, is causing a dramatic lowering of consciousness that is affecting young and old. The Sacred Government is being given the powerful key to turn and open the gates that will set them free. The Seer asks that our global Lightfamily join together for this important event. Continue reading→
The Test of This Macrocosm Is Addiction
The Metaphysical Belvaspata that will be given, has the powerful assistance of Angelgods. In mastering its principles, the practitioner frees him- or herself from the reality known as the Field of Awakening, and enters the Field of Intent (a whole other macrocosmic reality). Continue reading→
Where Drug Users Are, Shadow Beings Congregate
Our forests worldwide have become unsafe — home for many shadow and monstrous beings. This situation has concerned me for a few years. Not able to understand this psychic invasion of the Earth, I’be been unable to see what we, as the Sacred Government, can do about it. Until now. Continue reading→
The 441 Attributes of Godhood (Free Download)
As promised in our group, here is the full list of the 441 Attributes of Godhood. You can also find them in the FB group, in the document section, where the PDF of the Principles of Pristine Humanity are posted. Continue reading→
Addiction to Form
The root of all addiction can be found in the addiction to density; in the addiction to form comprised of atomic matter. Continue reading→
This Is a Trauma Simulation (The Epic Drama of the Original Ones)
What’s holding this painful, conflicted reality in place? It’s a simulation generated from the atomic fields. But if atoms respond to our intent, why aren’t we able to cleanse these fields? Continue reading→