“To live asleep, is to think that life is duty. To awaken is to find that life is beauty. Many parents drive their children into acquiring skill sets and achievements, forgetting to teach them how to be happy.” Excerpts from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
Sanctuary of Nature
“Many do not seek out the healing pristineness of nature, fearing they may be bored. But it is not boredom they fear but silence. It is in the silences of our lives where we encounter ourselves.” Excerpt from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
If you teach your child that his world around him can be supportive and healing, you are raising a self-reliant child. Children from 6 years old to adulthood will benefit from the following books you can read to the younger children. The Vision by Tom Brown Grandfather by Tom Brown These books teach about the… Continue reading→
Children and Inner Guidance
“Teach them correct principles and as far as possible, let your children govern themselves.” Excerpts from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine