I would love to know if a badger holds the same meaning as the skunk. Or what the difference is? Continue reading→
Osprey Dream Symbolism
Osprey Dream Symbolism – What is the dream symbolism of an osprey? The Seer: Perception will uncover secrets. Continue reading→
Why am I not hearing in my Dreams
I am perplexed about not being able to hear in my dream. Continue reading→
Dream Symbol – Quail
I would love to know what Quail stands for in the dream dictionary, as I had a family of them in my yard. The Seer:
Remove yourself from out of control emotions Continue reading→
What Wisdom Means
How would you interpret this, Beloved Mother? Continue reading→
A Dream Interpretation Change
…that which is discarded and no longer needed. Continue reading→
Timemap 2017 Holds Numerous Possibilities On Day One
Timemap 2017, Day 1, has many lines originating from it that extend all the way out past the rim. These lines also dissect numerous other days, but still we have 22 or more lines (approximately) originating from Day 1. How are we to interpret Day 1… Continue reading→
Almine’s Gifts to You!
Some years back, Almine created a cookbook to benefit the children of Northern Ireland. This cookbook, and another are available as free gifts to enjoy over the holidays (downloadable pdf format). Everyone will enjoy her essays and the recipes contain measurements in US and metric standards – informative and interesting reading. In addition, lovely photos… Continue reading→
Can Movies Affect Us?
Almine answers a few questions for us about demons, the soul world and dream-time. Continue reading→
Animal Totems and Dream Cycles
The introduction of Esklavanet Belvaspata has raised a few new questions for me about ghosts and shadows found within dream cycles – does it work on them? Almine replies below. Continue reading→