Based upon over fifteen years of intensive study and meditation, Almine has developed an advanced and unique understanding of the relationship between frequency and enlightenment. Continue reading→
The Magic of the Mer Kingdom
As Featured in Almine’s newest book, Book of Spells, the kingdom of the Mer People are ready to gift their magic to us once again. They possess some of the strongest magic on Earth; they are here to bring comfort to the suffering of man. Listen to this brief audio clip from a recent retreat… Continue reading→
Ceremony Update (Time Shift)
Somehow within our curious time awareness of late*, we – of Team Almine – have managed to announce on the Diary the Solstice Ceremony as starting a day too soon. In this post we indicated Friday June 20, when in reality this should’ve been Saturday, June 21. But rather than now push back everything a… Continue reading→
Healing Of Allergies And Addictions Using Belvaspata
The healing modality of Belvaspata has so many facets and applications, so it is truly wonderful when we all share our experiences and asks questions. Inspired by a recent communication on Facebook I’d like to share what we talked about as I believe many might be wondering the exact same thing. It was about The… Continue reading→
Happy Holidays!
To all of our Lightfamily we wish a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of Peace and Prosperity Love, Almine, Jaylene and Team Almine 06-AngelsandHumans Angels and Humans is one of the sound elixirs available on The 18 Alchemical Sound Elixirs with Belvaspata* *Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart – angelic healing of light and frequency… Continue reading→
Dance of Life
The intricate and elegant expressing design of life becomes obscured when we believe that it is enforced upon us. We are not victims of the greater self, but are invited to be participants in the rich and varied steps of the dance of life. Light Elixir by Almine
Creator and Creation
We have thought ourselves to be the children of the universe. In steadfastly maintaining this illusionary role we have sidestepped the responsibilities of being accountable for what we have mistakenly construed as flaws in existence. But we are the creator and the creation, and from the perspective of the latter, the perfection of life expressing… Continue reading→
The Open Door
We are the portal to infinite existence. All that we have so feverishly sought without is but a reflection of the mastery of self, shining in all its splendor through the open door of our being. Light Elixir by Almine
Power and Perception
Perception has been the opposite pole of power. Man has had the most power of cosmic races but has not had the perception to know how to use it. The key to combine power and perception is to discover ourselves as the only being in existence. Light Elixir by Almine
Alchemy, Elixirs and Belvaspata
We thank Tallulah for this question which was asked during Almine’s recent class in Oregon. Q: It has come to me (I have not taken the alchemy course* but will) by the Angels of Belvaspata to create vibrational elixirs using the sigils of Belvaspata. What can you say about this? How to? Or must I… Continue reading→