The healing modality of Belvaspata has so many facets and applications, so it is truly wonderful when we all share our experiences and asks questions. Inspired by a recent communication on Facebook I’d like to share what we talked about as I believe many might be wondering the exact same thing.
It was about The Alchemical Sound Healing with Belvaspata which is a comprehensive system to heal allergies and addictions. It can be done by all levels of Belvaspata masters and utilizes toning devices, rosecrucian power wheels and gates, Belvaspata sigils and wheels, together with the 18 sound elixirs. The term ‘elixir’ when applied to music indicates that the alchemical knowledge of the potencies of frequencies has been applied to produce a sound healing that eliminates illusion.
Snowgeese is one of these elixirs and is designed for clarity of mind, effortless knowing and the endocrine balance of the body. It specifically targets the pineal and pituitary. It also has a beneficial effect on the hypothalamus, which helps to regulate appetites and food cravings. Enjoy it here:
Regina Sayer posed the really good question if one can just pick 1 or 2 elixirs and do the corresponding toning devices and Belvaspata sigils and wheels for those particular elixirs or it is necessary to do the entire thing? Almine has said that in ceremonies, Qi Vesta etc. we should always do the entire process in the precise order given, as the wheels and sigils build upon each other as an alchemical equation. As Marc replied “This specific process of the alchemical sound healing is really intended as a whole. The sound elixirs build upon each other, and so do the wheels and spinning devices. So, that one is not supposed to be fragmented.”
Paul Kershaw had this interesting comment: “I have discovered that one of the reasons to always perform a COMPLETE healing session is that often distorted energies release and try find a home somewhere else within the physical structures so if one only works one area (joint/organ/body part) then one is only shifting energetically. By completing the entire healing journey we are then ensuring that this does not occur and the client will then have to release “etherically” into the environment which is then automatically cleared by the healers expansion process…”
I really enjoy this healing with sound elixirs. The toning devices are very “physical” for me, I can see them hovering above the client (or my self), spinning and shining and also changing their size. I have also had great results with it! My sister for example completely lost her addiction to sugar, at least for a week or so, so the process was definitely kick started. But she didn’t follow up on it and is regrettably back in the sugar mistreatment of herself, but it was a massive change for her nonetheless.
And myself, I was cured of my year long addiction to cola. I have tried it with my dad as well, who is actually a declared atheist, very sceptical and not easily impressed, and to my surprise he suddenly could sleep a lot longer, without disturbance, than he has tried for years. He suffers from sleep apnea and usually sleeps with a mask, so he was incredibly happy about the effect it had on him.
How have you experienced this healing modality, either as a practitioner or receiver? Please share your story below, we’d love to hear it and it is so helpful for others to read!
Maybe if you’d just like to enjoy some sound elixirs and their profound effect without particpating in a session with BVP, we invite you to visit for free sound healing music 24/7 or click here to listen to samples of Almine’s beautiful healing elixirs. You can also read more on
I’m having a terrible time trying to stay away from coffee. It seems like its right up there with alcohol or smoking. So I think I will give BVP a try once again and stick with it!.
Marvelous. So well put together here. Thanks to Paul’s wonderful testimonials!
Thanks Dhani! Indeed a wonderful testimonial, it’s so nice with different insights and aha moments 🙂
Hi Malue ~ Well said! Funny enough I recently began listening to the sound elixers again – they are such a delight to move through the day with as well sit in meditation to.
I noticed that the angel sound healing link does not function.
I have yet to acquire the BVP program that is associated with the elixers and look know that will be a beautiful addition to the myriad on gifts I am enjoying of Almine ~*~ PLG
Hi Rei,
How wonderful with these synchronicities, it happens more and more often I think. We truly are part of each other 🙂
Thanks for letting me know about the link, it’s fixed now.
I agree, it truly is a beautiful addition to the wealth of gifts from Almine <3
Dear Malue. For several years now I have had a violent allergy to dairy/lactose. My throat bleeds if I ingest it, like my body is yelling ‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh don’t give me this stuff!’ And so I listened to this, thinking that it was my body wisdom speaking to me & I wanted to work in harmony with this & so have not touched dairy since. And I feel so much better as I eat fresh food & use things like almond milk instead. I can’t say I miss dairy much at all… perhaps the occasional wistful pang when I smell freshly baked croissants! So although this might be thought of as an allergy, I don’t really feel like I want to cure it if this is my body wisdom working to help me avoid something which is harmful for me perhaps in ways I don’t even know (if that makes sense). So I wondered if you could shed any insights or share any guidance about this. Many thanks
Dearest Siany, it sure does sound like your body can’t handle dairy and good for you that you listened. Did you see one of the latest videos with Almine in which she talks about alien influence? In that she says that cows were originally put here from Nibiru, quite a thought right?
So you are allergic to dairy then,or lactose, but it seems to me like you are taking good care of yourself and thrive on another diet, so I can understand why you don’t want it differently. Allergy or not, thriving is a good sign no matter what right? So about curing it, I understand what you mean, but you can’t heal something that is not able to be healed (for example due to lack of insights, blockages, etc) or override your body in a way so that you seem healthy and thriving but really are not. I don’t believe you can cheat the body like that, so in case you were actually cured of this allergy I believe it would go hand in hand with getting the insights that caused it in the first place. If not you might get another form of allergy to show you that something needs to be looked at. Maybe the fact that you feel that it is your body’s own wisdom that has shown you what was wrong and what to do about it is just that. A great communication that has taken place. And then your next step will reveal itself. Maybe others have more advice or insights on this?
Thanks a lot for sharing 🙂
Sweet Malue, thank you so much for this wonderful reply. If in doubt, thriving is an excellent indicator. That’s a great way of thinking about it. Thank you.
I did indeed see the Nibiru clip & it made me wonder if this is why my body is reacting the way it is. But thankfully I listened & trusted my body without needing to know the why part & at the same time I am also open to accepting that what was true yesterday (like an allergy) perhaps might not be the case today, so I try to stay open to things changing too… especially when working through Almine’s resources because I never know what is going to shift or when! Sometimes it feels a bit like learning how to cosmically surf!
I agree, staying open and keep and eye on fixed beliefs and thinking that we know. Learning how to cosmically surf- ha ha that’s a good one! 😀
Beautiful post, Malue… Thank you so much… 😉
Thank you Jeanette, I trust this pretty much summarizes what we discussed 😉