The final three Oils (10,11 & 12) of High Magic are now available! Use them with your Extended Light Explosion Protocol. Continue reading→
Living From 12 Realities At Once
This which I must do can be done from life or it can be done from death. I have to be able to choose. Which one do I walk in or out of? Where do I complete this? Here or there? ~The Seer Almine Continue reading→
I Stand Here Waiting for You
The Seer imparts the new, expanded meaning of ‘holiness’ as being of advanced levels of expression, rather than advanced levels of evolution. Continue reading→
We Are Going Back to the Dream (Hypothetically)
We can’t go back to the old and expect to be rewriting the new. Continue reading→
You Are Going Back in Triumph
The Seer recounts her experience in returning as a countess to the British aristocracy, in order to illustrate our current ‘limbo’ interim phase, and its (painful) review of the old, within the Field of the One. Continue reading→
This Feeling of ‘I Am in Limbo’
The Seer likens our current loss of reference points within the Field of the One (as we’ve left the old behind, while the new hasn’t yet appeared) to being adrift on the middle on the ocean. Continue reading→
When Lightworkers Need Training Wheels
The Seer comments on the recent trend of irrationality among the Lightfamily, as and attempt to create reference points (where there are none, within the Field of the One) by seeking out the comfort of the Known. Continue reading→
Unintentional Incantation Magic
“Because it is so powerful, it has deliberately been made unintentional magic so that it does not get misused in an attempt to control life.” ~The Seer Almine Continue reading→
What Made the Matrix Happen?
In Living the Reality of Oneness, the Seer explains how the non-expression of a quality of being results in a hardening membrane that inhibits our movement to the next layer of reality. This is a matrix. Continue reading→
The Archetype of Self-Sovereignty in Relationship
… if you are the only being in existence that you can ever experience, it is a self-relationship. And this self-relationship means that you don’t self-sacrifice, you don’t try and fit in with the expectations of one part of yourself to another… There is equality. ~The Seer Almine Continue reading→