What we are deeply and sincerely grateful for, increases one hundredfold. What we take for granted with a sense of entitlement, gets taken away. ~ The Seer Almine
With Gratitude From The Seer
You are truly creating Heaven on Earth, and I am the grateful recipient of the wholesome gifts of your endeavors. Continue reading→
Humility & Gratitude
Through gratitude is it filled again with its ability to feel the magic behind appearances. Continue reading→
Celebrating and Elevating Life through Appreciation
Mindless masses late for work hurry to Starbucks for their daily shot of caffeine. A shallow act that requires quick gratification at the cost of grace. I have created this coffee station in the kitchen for the coffee drinker in my home. Even a less than desirable habit can be elevated to a personal ritual… Continue reading→
Grateful Acknowledgment of What Is
Nothing transcends itself unless it is first seen for the value it has provided. Grateful acknowledgment of what is, is the beginning of greater things to come. Nothing transcends itself unless it is first seen for the value it has provided. Grateful acknowledgment of what is, is the beginning of greater things to come. Continue reading→
Blessings of Gratitude for All
…just as the body must be fed, so too does the soul hunger for grace and elegance… Continue reading→
Understanding the Twenty Riddles of Uncovering the Mysteries of Inner Space
It is difficult to see perfection unfolding in the complexity of our outer space. Within the oneness of inner space, perfection reveals itself more easily. Observations of inner space train us to eliminate the tendency to define life by what it is not, and instead to see the perfection of what is. Inner space is… Continue reading→
Abundant Gratitude
Building up to the Night of Miracles on December 31st, we have a beautiful heartwarming read for you. These sentiments were shared time and time again by our light family in the outpouring of love, praise and gratitude for our beloved Almine during the recent collection of Miracle stories. These words, shared with a great… Continue reading→
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Here is a little ditty by Almine on gratitude from the Atlantean Book of Angels, angel 40 (written transcript of an audio recording by Almine): The body, the soul and the spirit seem to be so separate and in this appearance it formed death and life and ascension, three separate… Continue reading→
Bless Your Chains
Bless the chains that have bound you the way the caterpillar in gratitude receives the shelter of his chrysalis. In incubation have we lain, awaiting our entry into the majestic presence of the One Life. Like the butterfly that takes flight upon the wind and spreads its wings in the rays of the sun, remember… Continue reading→